After checking his hand, Raymond makes an unexpected move.

"All in."

He put all his money on the line!


Solen was stunned.

'No, how could he be so stupid?'

The card that had just been dealt was a specially treated card, and Raymond was guaranteed to lose, but all in?

'Hmph. It's so easy to end up like this.'

Stifling a laugh, Solen was about to reveal his cards.

"Wait a minute. Is it true that the jackpot pays out 50 times the amount if you win?"

"Yes, it is. Why do you ask?"

Solen sneered.

Now, this guy's going to end up on the street, he didn't care about jackpots!

But then Raymond's next words sent a chill down his spine.

"Then I suppose you'll pay the same fifty times if you're caught in the act, according to Imperial law on gambling."


Solen's face turned white as he realized something was wrong.

He tried to flip the board, but Raymond was a step ahead of him!

"Look, everybody! He's cheating!"

The sudden shout sent the room into an uproar.

"No, what nonsense are you talking about, Baronet! Gentlemen, there seems to be a misunderstanding here, and you must retire the board."

He quickly tried to destroy the evidence, but it was too late.

With a whimper, someone stood up and removed their mask.

It was Rao, the dandy with the one-eyed glasses!

"Wait! Stop moving! Don't move!"

Rao looked around as if he had 'accidentally' witnessed this situation.

"I don't know if you know, but since I've witnessed this with my own eyes, as a kingdom official, I can't help but step in. With the authority of a high-ranking official, I'll seize and search the scene."

"What, what...!"

Solen jumped up and down, but it was no use.

Besides, Rao hadn't come alone.

"Heh. I was wondering why little Rao wanted to go to the casino, but now I'm facing all these incidents."

"Let's check it out."

Rao's administrative colleagues threw their hands up in the air.

"No, no, no! What's going on?!"

Solen felt like he was having a nightmare.

The scam had been spotted, and senior administration officials had shown up just in time?

'What the hell, how?'

Of course, only Raymond knew the answer.

[You are using Magic: Eagle Eye!]

[Your skill level is A!]

[You are able to make 'clear observations'!]

Clear observation.

It was like looking through a microscope and seeing the slightest detail. It allowed him to spot fraudulent tools that he would never have seen otherwise.

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