Raymond's eyes blazed with tremendous determination, and the others nodded in agreement.

"You're right. You'll go to any lengths for your patients."

"Master is awesome!"

"Indeed, brother, you know the cause. Let me help you too."

"I can't help it... It's for the patients, so I'll help. If Mr. Solen tries anything, I, Christine Laverne, will protect you."

And so began the Operation to Take Down Solen.


The fateful day had arrived. Raymond climbed into a carriage headed to the casino of Solen, a suburb of the capital.

"Be careful out there. Solen is not to be trifled with."

It was Christine.

For some reason, she was wearing colorful makeup.

She was beautiful, to begin with, but her makeup made her seem to glow.

"If you get a bad feeling about something, don't talk anymore, just walk out, and don't sign any strange contracts!"

She reassured him several times.

As a side note, she had spent her life cleaning up the feces of her idiot brother and immature younger siblings, so she was basically used to looking out for others.

In other words, she was a nag.

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand, apprentice."

"You're only making me more nervous by answering that way! Remember, you're not signing anything! You don't get drunk and swear on a contract!"

"Yes, apprentice!"

Christine put her arms around her waist and glared.

"I wonder if you can pull off this plan? I'm nervous."

Of course, she recognized Raymond.

His healing skills, stemming from ancient knowledge, and his compassion for his patients was second to none.

But she wasn't sure he could handle a situation like this with aplomb.

But then.

Raymond cleared his throat and put on a steady face.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll do great."

'This is my chance to be Super Rich, and I'm going to do it.'

To be honest, he was nervous about the whole 'operation' thing.

He was naturally a timid person, but he was going to overcome this nervousness.

For the sake of Super Rich.

"Don't worry, princess,"

Rao said.

Rao was wearing his usual immaculate suit.

"My Academy Chief's gut tells me. My brother will do well."

With that, Raymond departed for the casino in Solen, leaving Rao and Christine to look at each other meaningfully.

They were part of something.

"What are we supposed to be doing, Senior Hanson?"

"Let's prepare a beef party as the Master ordered. The finest."


And so the operation began.


The carriage soon reached its destination.

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