'Wake up!'

The fishy blood brought him back to his senses.


The blade dug into the abdominal wall little by little.


He could see Hanson sucking in his breath, but he didn't care. Raymond was as surprised as Hanson.

It was the first time he had opened a stomach.

The skin was broken and the fat was yellow. Blood was flowing, revealing the red muscles piled up in a transparent membrane underneath.


His head turned white again.

[Steel Heart is being expressed! Your will is getting stronger!]

[Steel Heart is being expressed! Your will is getting stronger!]

If it wasn't for the message that came to mind as if to wake him up, he might have let go.

'I'm doing well. I'm going to be the best healer. So, I can do this much!'

As if memorizing a spell, Raymond repeated to himself.

Raymond had always thought.

He told himself that he was not filthy or a worm.

He said that one day he would become the best and the most respected person in the world.

'I'm going to be the best! Imagine the wealth and honor that I'll be able to enjoy in the future!'

He tried to calm down as much as possible and moved his hands.


Midline incision.

It was done exactly according to the contents of "surgical science," and the abdominal cavity hidden in the peritoneum appeared.

It was the first time in his life that he had opened an abdomen, but he didn't have time to feel the excitement of it.

The sight of the abdominal cavity for the first time confused his vision.

"S-Senior. What on earth are you going to do with the patient...?"

Hanson asked in a shaky voice. He seemed to be wondering if he should force Raymond to stop.

If Raymond's murmur hadn't really been there, Hanson would have overpowered Raymond.

"...I'm going to do it. Somehow. I must."


Hanson saw the look in Raymond's eyes and swallowed his spit.

The color of Raymond's eyes was a lush emerald. They were gentle, and in a way, they made him look like a pushover.

But now, his eyes were fluttering. With the will to somehow make the cure work.

'First, I need to check the cause of the bleeding.'

Raymond recalled his knowledge of surgery with red eyes.

There was generally one cause of hematemesis.

Peptic ulcer bleeding.

Among them, the stomach and duodenum.

He had to find out which of the two was bleeding.

Fortunately, it was not difficult.

There was a yellow liquid leaking from the duodenal area.

'It was a hole in the duodenal ulcer! I need to ligate the blood vessels in that area and plug the hole.'

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