Asuna: You guys, were almost there, don't let up on it.

(y/n): Never.

Yuuki: Right.

Everyone takes off towards the boss as the boss does another chain attack. Me and Yuuki dodge and Talkin parries with his staff but gets knocked back and disarmed. His staff hits the boss at his weak point and the boss uses his arms to protect it.

(y/n): Asuna!

Asuna: Yeah, I saw it too. Siune, I've got an idea and I need your help. Can you take over healing for 30 seconds?

Siune: Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. I have enough reserves to cover everyone.

Asuna starts chanting a spell and goes for the gem weak point with the spell and she hit's the weak point. The boss blocks the weak point.

Asuna: I knew it!

(y/n): Alright, the boss blocking is not random. It's protecting it critical weak point. That's the target. *readies a throwing knife* So let's take him down. *throws the knife right into the weak point* Now let's go.

We all try but we can't reach it.

(y/n): Hey, Yuuki. I've got an idea.

Asuna: *runs over* What are you thinking?

Yuuki: *runs over* Asuna?

(y/n): I'm going to give Yuuki a massive boost to jump up. Yuuki, I want you to run up to me and jump and I will use both of my hands to boost you up higher.

Yuuki: Got it.

Asuna: It's our chance to win, good luck Yuuki.

(y/n): *sheathes both swords and gets into position* You've got this.

Yuuki: Leave it to me bro, sis!

Asuna: Sis?

Yuuki runs at breakneck speed and the boss swings his hammer and Tecchi blocks with his shield. Yuuki is coming towards me and once she gets to me she jumps on my open hands and I give her a massive boost upwards towards the bosses weak point. In mid air she uses her 11 hit combo with her last hit she sticks her blade into the gem causing a massive explosion which obscures her and the boss. When the smoke cleared Yuuki was in mid air and the gem on the boss broke apart causing the boss to be split in half and the boss was dead. Asuna was shocked and then a menu with the rewards from the boss showed up in front of us.

Asuna: *falls on her knees* We did it.

(y/n): *falls on his knees* Yeah.

Yuuki: *running towards Asuna and (y/n)* You see that, *tackles both into a hug with Yuuki being on top of both of them* we did it, we did it. We did it! We beat him Asuna,(y/n)!

Asuna: That we did. *sighs exhausted* I'm so tired.

(y/n): Yeah.

Jun: *sitting* We did it.

Tecchi: Yeah, but I'm wiped.

Asuna and Yuuki: *giggle*

(y/n): *chuckles*

The door opens and the guild we had to deal with earlier came in just a little to late. The guild starts to walk in but they stop and were shocked that the 8 of us beat the boss.

Rando 2: Oh my god.

Asuna and Yuuki: *give them the peace sign*

The others: *gives them the peace sign*

(y/n): *gives them the double bird*

Rando 2: You, you, you, you gotta be kidding me!

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) and chibi Asuna celebrating with chibi The Sleeping Knights

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