♥︎Vee catch up♥︎

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Your info & How you meet

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Your info & How you meet

You were Luz's close friend at the human realm, you just love how Luz has this creative mind around her but of course some incidents happen and Luz was sent to camp.

Now her time at camp had past and you were excited to see Luz again but for some reason she was acting unusual today so you went up to her and she flinches a little bit. Confused you spoke to her calmy saying if she's alright feared that the camp might change her usual self but she smiles and then nodded the bell rang then both of you went to class.


Hanging out with them will be like

Even though she's not Luz she is still fun to be around she also has a creative mind but she also has a very curious side sometimes. Well most of the time-

When you first saw her again she asks you many odd things like. "What's a Cellphone?", "Do humans really eat this?", "What's an alarm clocks? Do you guys eat that to?"

You were kind of just going along with it and happily answer her questions one by one. She also flinches when the bell rings.


When she's sad

Luz often gets picked on because of her bizarre way of thinking and because Vee is pretending to be her at this time, she gets a glimpse of her true form and thinks she's not supposed to have a normal life like she wanted to, so she run off crying

You saw this and ran after her, hearing her sobs makes your heart aches. You patted her back while waiting for her to talk to you about it.


Her first thoughts about you

Y/n has been so kind to me since I first entered Luz's school. She's always been their to protect me and has been very loyal to me. Luz is so lucky to have someone like her in her life..


Her catching feelings

This feeling, I always felt it whenever she's around.. Y/n she's so beautiful, kind, protective and always been patient and calm with me..

No, no!... I must not have this weird feelings around her! Cause what if she finds out the truth?? Will she ever see treat me the same?! Remember you are not Luz, you aren't her real best friend...

I'm just a wannabe her

But I can't get rid of this feelings that I feel for her



I was waiting for y/n at the library with her favorite kinds of flow in my hands while nervously fidgeting my fingers

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