The King Of Romania

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As of this morning, King Carol and Prince Nicholae were arriving from Romania. Queen Helen seemed rather disappointed for her husband's arrival, but little Michael was very excited. Helen and Carol were unhappily married and everyone knew it. It was only going to be a matter of time before a divorce scandal occurred.

We all waited on the stairs and the floor in the main hall for their arrivals. Olga and I were anything but excited, as we both had unhappy experiences with Carol. But seeing Nicholae might be nice. It seemed that even Carol's female family members were not happy to see him.

"Carol is just going to complain and complain about everything, just because he can." Ileana rolled her eyes.

Maria of Yugoslavia shook her head. "But Carol loves France very much, and he just became the king of Romania again. I believe he will be in a good mood."

It was not good that Olga and I were eavesdropping on the Romanian girls the step below us. But we could not help it. The Romanian royal family seemed to be falling apart and scandalous. Carol was source of everyone's problems.

"You know he has a mistress?" Anastasia whispered over to us.

"Of course, Nastya. Everyone knows." Olga shook her head.

"Alright, but did you that she's Jewish? And that Carol is trying to get the government to give him permission to divorce Helen officially and marry her?"

"Trying? Ugh, that man is such a swine." I scoffed.

"Apparently, they are already separated and do not even speak. Helen and Carol are secretly working on a divorce."

I sighed. "That is a shame. I do not agree with divorce, but I understand if it comes to Carol."

"I would rather kill myself than marry that rodent of a man." Anastasia snickered. Olga and I laughed together. Suddenly, Ileana turned around with her innocent large blue-eyes.

"Are you teasing my brother?" She asked in a soft voice. "Do not do that. It is not kind."

"Ileana, no offense in any way, but your brother is a pig and a man whore. Turn your pretty self around." Anastasia sassed her. Ileana shot a glare at her and then turned around without another word. Anastasia seriously needed to watch her mouth. We did not need a fight between families. Especially a fight between Anastasia and Carol, that would be a nightmare.

The double doors of the castle opened. Carol pranced in as if he were another God. Nicholae trodded along behind him a smile on his face. Carol bowed at King George and all the other monarchs before shaking hands. Now Papa absolutely adored Carol and thought he was a kind man, silly Papa. If only he could see how awful he truly was. But Carol was charming and a witty man. He could easily win anyone over.

"I hear he supports Hitler, but you did not hear that from me." Crown Princess Martha of Norway whispered to us while she stood on the step above us.

"Oh, stop this Hitler nonsense. Nothing will come of it, I am sure." Princess Ingrid of Sweden stepped in then.

"You are too young. Trust me, this is only the beginning. The Nazis will become big. Look at what has already been done!" Olga shouted. Carol appeared in front of us out of nowhere. Our group of women speaking did not realize the others were already moving away and moving into the dining halls. He had a cheeky smile on his face.

"I was looking forward to seeing the Russian Grand Duchesses. Olga, Tatiana, and Anastasia Nikolaevna, how are all of you?"

"Just fine, your majesty. Thank you." I nodded.

"Please, let's keep this sweet. Call me King Carol." He moved his attention to Anastasia. "Anastasia Nikolaevna, you have grown up well. You are very beautiful compared to a decade ago."

"I wish I could say the same, King Carol." Anastasia pulled a cigarette out of her pocket and put it between her lips. She didn't hesitate to light it and start smoking it. They shared cold looks at each other.

"Anastasia, do not be rude. That was very unkind." Martha scolded her.

"Oh no, it is alright. I was looking for some rivalry this Summer. I think I have found it. Little does she know, we are the same." Carol looked her up-and-down before walking away.

Olga groaned before nudging our sister. "Please, Nastya. For once in your life, behave."

"Olishka, I am behaving." Anastasia inhaled the cigarette. "I'm a good girl, I promise."

We all made our way into the dining hall for breakfast. A traditional English breakfast was being served. Carol did nearly all of the talking. I noticed him and Anastasia glaring at each other some, then he would pay attention to King George or Papa. He just could not stop bragging about becoming king again and how he was going to be such a great leader of Romania.

"I want to do right by Romania. I shall be a great king, for my father and my people." Carol nodded.

Papa grinned. "You will do great, King Carol."

"Though, the train ride here was a nightmare. I am happy to be sitting here with real food."

"Poor Carol, you have been through a lot." Missy weakly smiled at her son. It was all an act. This family truly had become a nightmare. Perhaps it always has been and I was too innocent to see how it was over a decade ago. Maybe all families were a little bit crazy and tried to hide it. Maybe all families were a bit broken.

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