When Two People Love You

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Vladimir and I finally got time alone to take a walk around Alexander Park. Ever since our English relatives arrived, we've had hardly any time to each other. My relatives kept pushing cousin Dickie at me. He was handsome and kind, of course. But I already loved another.

"I loathe that man." Vladimir snarled as we walked with our arms linked.
"You do not mean that."
"I do! I hate Dickie Mountbatten. He's a smug cockroach-"
I quickly stuck up for him. "Vladimir, watch your tongue. I know you are upset but that he is still my cousin and I care for him."
Vladimir sighed and lowered his head a little. He was insecure, that was obvious. But he needed to know there was no chance of me leaving him.
"I love you. You don't need to feel insecure." I said. He scoffed. "I'm not insecure."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Lilas, I'm not insecure."
I giggled. "Are you upset because Dickie is better at speaking English than you?"
"Please, don't tease me right now." Vladimir murdered. "I am not in the mood."
I unlinked arms with and stopped walking. I walked in front of him and placed my hand on his face. I kept a grin on my face.

"I only want you. I promise that I only want you. So I want you to smile and get in a better mood...or else I'll throw myself into that pond. Alright?" I chuckled. Vladimir gradually grew a smirk.
"Alright. Alright, you've won me over."
"Good. Now I want to talk to you about France and this estate we have." I gulped. I had actually been putting some deep thought into it.
"I cannot leave Russia. 'The Little Pair' charity needs both Anastasia and I. Then my family and friends are here."
Vladimir shook his head and took my hands. "You can run your charity from France! That's the great thing about telephones!"
"My dearest Volodya, you are a Russian and I am a Russian. Therefore we should remain in Russia." I replied.
"Tell that to your mother. She's a German." Vladimir shrugged. I suppose he made a well point on that one. But the thought of leaving my family still killed me. I just couldn't understand why Vladimir wanted to leave Russia so badly.

I sighed. "I understand where you're coming from. But...I don't know. Perhaps we've just moved too fast-"
"No Lilas!" Vladimir shrieked. "We were meant for each other. Please, do not get cold feet."
I was so conflicted and scared to hurt his feelings. I loved Vladimir so much. But who knew marriage would be so stressful? Papa and Mama make it look so simple.
"I'm worried we've rushed this. If we can't agree on staying in Russia or moving to France, then how will we agree on anything else?"
"Oh, you do not mean that. You're under stress because our engagement is still a secret. But once we tell your parents, it shall be easier on you." Vladimir said. He then suddenly picked me up and carried me to the edge of the pond. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No Volodya, put me down! No!" I laughed. Vladimir laughed along with me.
"I'll do it! 1...2...3!" Vladimir shouted. Suddenly, I was underwater and out of Vladimir's arms. I rose to the top and gasped for air. Vladimir was above water with me and couldn't stop laughing.
"Oh, I'm going to destroy you!" I laughed and started to try and wrestle him. He wrestled me back, but got the upper-hand and just kissed me.
"I love you so, Lilas. We will work all of this out, I promise." Vladimir weakly smiled. We leaned in a kissed again.

"Marie? Marie? Is that you?" A voice yelled. It was Dickie Mountbatten. Vladimir and I exchanged looks. Vladimir deeply inhaled and went underwater.
"Dickie, hello!"
Dickie furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing in there?"
"Hm...it is just so hot outside. I thought I'd go for a swim."
"In your dress?"
I chuckled. "Yes, in my dress. Do not judge me."
Dickie laughed. "I am not judging, I swear. I shall join you." He approached closer to the pond but I stopped him immediately.
"No! Do not ruin your clothes for me, dear cousin. Go inside and I shall meet you for lunch, alright?" I smiled. He was a bit confused, but didn't comment on it.
"Well, if you insist. I'll see you inside, Marie." I waited until Dickie was completely out of sight to tap on Vladimir's shoulder. With no hesitation, he came up and gasped for air. He coughed and panted as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm so sorry, Volodya. He would not go away!" I sighed and pat Vladimir's back.
"I guess that can give me another reason to dislike him."

We went back inside in our completely soaked clothes. Vladimir parted from me and I couldn't help but watch as he walked up the stairs. He was so incredibly handsome. But as usual, someone came into the room. It was Aunt Victoria this time.
"I hope you are not making problems for yourself, my dear niece." Aunt Victoria said in a serious tone. I tried to laugh it off.
"Aunt Victoria, I did not see you there."
"Obviously you didn't. If you had, you would've been more careful coming in with Prince Paley."
I stayed silent and didn't respond. She approached me and took my hand. Her face, in a way, showed remorse for me.
"Now listen, I see things your parents do not. I can see that you and Prince Paley are very fond of each other. But, he's a penniless prince-"
"Do not speak of him as if he were a loser," I interrupted her. "Prince Paley is a loyal and dutiful man."
"Oh, I'm not denying that. He's clearly very mature and handsome. But it's not ideal to marry a morganatic prince."
"Your son married a morganatic Princess. You seemed to be alright with it." I shot back. Aunt Victoria just scoffed.
"That's different. My son isn't the child of an Emperor. If he was, then over my dead body would he have married Nadeja. Marie, I am determined to make you and Dickie fall in love."
I gasped. "Oh Aunt Victoria, Dickie is a wonderful and handsome man! He truly would make a great husband-"
"Then it's settled-"
"But I cannot marry Dickie! I do not wish to turn against the Russian Orthodox Church by marrying my first-cousin."
Aunt Victoria chuckled. "That was the same reason your mother wouldn't marry Nicholas. She didn't want to convert to Orthodoxy. But in the end, she did and now she's in a beautiful and loving marriage. Will you at least think about it?"
I didn't know what to say. I couldn't started an argument nor did I want to hurt her feelings. I simply nodded and Aunt Victoria stroked my face.
"Good. I know you will make the right decision." She smirked and then walk away. Little did she know, I had already made my decision awhile ago. I will marry Prince Vladimir Paley...and I will move to France with him after all.

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