The Stars

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A couple days after we spent the night together, I could not stop thinking about Makari. I wanted to be with him all the time now. I once read in a book that that was a sign of falling in love. It was exciting and scary all at once.

Him and I agreed to get together soon. Makari had a surprise for me, which I was a bit nervous for. I had a small gift for him as well. I touched up my hair and my outfit before I left to go see him. And Dmitri even allowed me to move my curfew to midnight.

I met Makari on the street corner. I was greeted with multiple kisses and him holding my hand. We ran all the way to his apartment complex. Except this time, we were to walk up some stairs that were on the side of the building. And then there was a ladder that led all the way up to the flat-roof. Makari insisted that he would go first so then that way, he could cover my eyes once I got up there.

"Makari! What is it?" I laughed as he put his hands over my eyes.

"You shall see in 3...2...1." Makari took his hands off of my eyes. There were two blankets, one was rolled out on the roof and the other was bundled up but next to the rolled-out blanket. There was an oil lamp and a lighter for some light. Lastly, there was my coat that I had left at Makari's apartment and a wooden basket.

"Makari-" I mumbled.

"What do you think? I know it is probably a little dirty for your taste but it was the best I could do."

"I love it." I turned to look at him. "It is very sweet."

Makari weakly smiled. "Then come, let's sit down." He led me over to the blanket and we sat down. Makari put his hand in the wooden basket, pulling out a small box. He opened it up and inside, there was small silver locket.

"Oh, wow. Is this real?" I asked him.

Makari chuckled. "No, it is not real. It's Nickel. But I saw this locket a jewelry store, and I thought it would look so pretty on you. It's small and heart-shaped, so you could put a small photo in there if you wanted to."

"Us. Let's put a photo of us in there."

"We will need a camera for that." Makari said to me as he put the necklace around my neck.

"Then I will bring mine next time. I wish to look at us all the time. But, I also have a gift for you."

"For me?" Makari raised his eyebrows. I nodded at him and then reached into the pocket of the coat I was wearing. I pulled out a golden pocket watch. Makari gasped and shook his head at me.

"No, Anastasia! That is too expensive. You must take it back."

"It was nothing. I used my own allowance for it. It would just offend me if you did not take it."

Makari reluctantly took the watch from me. He thoroughly examined it. And then he opened the inside and read the engraving I had the jeweler put in there.

"To Makari,
No matter how much time goes by
I shall always think of you.
Yours for as long as life endures, Anastasia"

"I am not a poet, but I thought it was nice." I giggled. Makari closed the pocket watch and put it in his pocket. He then started to laugh and knocked me over on to the blanket. We laughed as we wrestled for a minute. Eventually, we stopped and just laid next to each other on the blanket.

"Are you cold?" Makari whispered.

"A little."

Makari leaned up and grabbed the blanket that was bundled up. He shook it to where it was flat, and then laid it over the both of us.

"I am still cold. I think I will need you to hold me." I said. Makari stretched his arms out and wrapped them around me. He then pulled me into his body. I could smell his cheap cologne on his shirt. It was cooler at night, at least dropping to 15 degrees C.

"How is this?" Makari asked.

"Better. I am warm now."


"I shall bring your coat next time. I am sorry I left it at home."

"It's alright. I could care less about that coat...Nastya?"


"Thank you for the pocket watch. I will cherish with my whole heart and soul."

"Of course, my darling. Thank you for the locket, you will never see it off my neck. Ever." I leaned my head up a little bit. I kissed his chin, to which he then bent his head down to kiss my forehead.

"I had a nightmare the other day." I muttered.

"About what?"

"I am not sure, but all I know is that I was looking for you. I was so scared because I could not find you. When I woke up, I was in such relief to find it was only a horrible dream."

"I am here. Just know that it was only a dream, because I shall never leave you for as long as you want me. Because...I love you."

I looked up at him. I pulled out of his arms just a little bit so I could see his whole face.

"You, what?"

"I love you, Anastasia Yevgenyevna."

I smirked. "I love you, Makari Kuznetsov. Always."

"Let's be together forever."

Makari leaned down and started kissing me. With each kiss that he gave me, he whispered "I love you" or "My girl" to me between each kiss. Makari loves me. I love Makari. There was nothing else to it. As long as I had him, his love, and his support, then I could do anything. But there was a problem, which I thought about later on. He does not know that my real name is not Anastasia Yevgenyevna Voronova. How do I tell the man that I love that my real name is Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova?

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