Our Goodbye

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The whole country was in deep mourning for their Tsarevich. Every Russian citizen was wearing black or a black armband. We decided to tell the public that Alexei died from Diptheria, just like our maternal grandmother did. Even though it is not the time of year for disease, it was the best option we had.

Alexei's funeral was hurtful, and I have never seen Mama so sad in her whole life. Papa was trying to stay strong in front of his family and confidantes, but he was on the edge of breaking into tears. Olga and Tatiana were sobbing and holding on to each other as it was about time for his casket to be taken around Petrograd so everyone had a chance to say goodbye. Maria cried the whole time and held Vladimir's hand. Igor and Dmitri stayed strong too with just a couple tears trickling down their faces.

For a few days after the funeral, we took sometime to rest and mourn Alexei properly. The mirrors in the palace were covered and the clocks were stopped. It was a Russian tradition in which if someone died. This went on for about three-days.

I needed to go see Makari. I had to apologize again for lying to him for so long. Even if he lashed out at me or did not forgive me, at least I would have made my peace. So, I went to his office at The Petrograd News. I still used my false name though, which made me feel guilty. But one of the office ladies led me up to his officer.

"Mr. Kuznetsov, you have a visitor." The lady said.

"Send them in." I heard him say. The office lady opened the door wider for me and allowed me in. Boxes were everywhere in the office. Makari was packing up some books into one of these boxes. The office lady shut the door behind me. Now, it was just the two of us.

"What are you doing here, Anastasia? Have you come here with another lie?" Makari groaned as he finished packing the books.

"Makari, I am so sorry for lying to you. And I do not expect you to forgive me, but you must understand why I lied."

"I told you I loved you. You are the first woman I have ever said that to. Even with Alyona, who I was engaged to, I never said that to her. I only said those three words to you."

I sighed. "I understand. I know I am losing you, but I do not want us to end is such an unhappy way. But I must ask, what is going on here? What is with all the boxes?"

"I already told you." Makari rolled his eyes.

"No, you did not."

Makari thought for a moment, looking very puzzled. Suddenly, he exhaled and groaned.

"You are right, I did not tell you. I was offered a job in Ireland."

"Ireland? How?"

"Some news company is looking for lesser known writers, and they found me and liked my work. Especially my articles over the ROOIW."

"But you are leaving Russia? When are you coming back?"

"I am not coming back. I am fully emigrating to Ireland. I am even getting a name change. I think I will be Makari Kuznetman."

I shook my head. "Is it worth the pay?"

"They are offering me a lot of money for this job. So yes, this is worth it. I will finally get my family out of Russia and we can start fresh."

"Very well. I hope you have a good life. Goodbye." I turned around and was about to walk out the door.

"Wait, Anastasia." Makari said. I turned around. Makari reached into his pocket and slowly pulled out the golden pocket watch I gave him. "Do you want this back?"

"No, I want you to keep it." I shook my head. "Do you want the locket back?"

"No. You said that I will never see it off your neck."

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