Wedding Plans

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I sat in the Maple Room with Dmitri, Papa, and Olga. The three of them and I were going to talk about the wedding and our plans for our life afterwards. It was a serious conversation to have, and I was the first of the OTMAA to have it.
"So, where do you two want the wedding?" Papa asked us.
Dmitri nodded. "The Peter and Paul Cathedral, if that's alright."
"Of course it is, Dmitri. And then we could have a ball at the Winter Palace for the evening!"
Olga gasped. "But Papa, isn't it dangerous to stay in Petrograd anymore."
"Well, the country is starting to recover and we'll be more financially stable after the treaty-" Papa started but suddenly stopped himself. He cleared his throat and just looked down at his hands on the table. Papa had a sudden nervousness to him.

"I meant, the country is starting to recover from this atrocious war we just had. I think the people have started to calm down a bit." Papa mumbled.
"I'm not sure. We're trying to make it better but I have heard talk of countries declaring independence just like Finland did-" Olga started.
"Olga, please." Papa interrupted her. She suddenly fell into silence like both Dmitri and I. What was exactly said in that treaty? It has been five-days since the treaty was signed and the conference took place, but I knew nothing so far. More because Papa wanted to keep what happened a secret.
"Anyway, where will you two live?" Papa asked again, looking directly at me."
I sighed. "Dmitri and I were hoping to move to Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace."
"Are you sure that's safe? Considering that was Sergei Alexandrovich's residence and he...he unfortunately was assassinated."
Dmitri looked sad for a moment. After Paul abandoned him and Maria Pavlovna, my Aunt Ella and Uncle Sergei adopted them both. Dmitri was not yet fourteen when he watched his uncle's carriage be blown up. He unfortunately was never able to recover fully from his uncle's death.

"I think it's time we give some life back to that palace. And it's not like it'll be unprotected. We will have some officers to help guard the palace." Dmitri commented.
"So be it, that sounds fine to me. I am so sorry, but I have just developed a headache and wish to lie down. We can continue this later." Papa groaned. We all stood once we stood. He swiftly turned and rushed out the door. Olga exchanged looks with me and then followed Papa out. I linked arms with Dmitri and walked out of the Maple Room ourselves.
"Well, the Tsar seems to be in a nervous mood."
"He's been a bit frustrated ever since he has come back from France, but I'm not sure why."
"Has he announced to the public what was said in the treaty?"
I sighed. "Not yet, unfortunately. We are all at the edge of our seats wondering what will happen. I hate to say this, but I think Anastasia is right. The world we knew before the war is over."
"I am going to tell her you said that." Dmitri smirked.
"You wouldn't dare." I chuckled. He chuckled with me and we continued on. But it was the real question: what was in the treaty?

Vladimir and I snuck off in the afternoon. We went to Alexander Park and laid one of our blankets right by the river under one of the trees. We were just far enough away to where the imperial officers walking around wouldn't notice us. Vladimir and I spent that afternoon taking turns kissing for minutes on end or having large conversations.

I pulled away from our kiss. "I cannot express this enough. I love spending time with you."
Vladimir stroked my hair back. "I love spending time with you as well. I cannot tell you enough how much I missed you while I was in France."
"I know you did. You wrote everyday. Oh Volodya, I wish I could always be with you." I exhaled. Vladimir leaned in a gave me a deep kiss. I laughed and pulled away from him.
"You must stop kissing me like that!"
"Why?" Vladimir chuckled.
"It's too intimate! You cannot kiss me like that until we are married!"
He pecked me on the lips again. "Oh Lilas, I don't know how else I would kiss you. You are going to have to demonstrate on how I should do it better." Vladimir winked. I giggled and just laid all the way back on the blanket. He just got really close to me. I took one and he took one of his hands. We made them and start to slowly drag across each other's fingers and palms.

"I bought an estate. We can move there after we get married." Vladimir said. That was unplanned. I had no clue he had bought an estate.
"An estate?"
"In the countryside of France."
"And you didn't think to tell me this? And I was hoping we would live in Russia after we got married."
"But Lilas, my book will be published in French and my publisher is in France. I think it would be a great new start for us."
I sighed and propped myself on to my elbow. I interlocked Vladimir and I's hands. I was uneasy at the thought of leaving Russia permanently. I had always hoped to marry a Russian soldier, which Vladimir was prince who served in the Russian Army. But I didn't know if I could ever truly leave the country, my family, or my home.
"Volodya, you know I love you-" I murmured.
"Don't say it in that tone." Vladimir quietly said in a disappointed tone.
"What tone?" I replied.
"That one. You're getting ready to reject the idea of us starting a life away from here."
I deeply exhaled. I didn't know what exactly to say to him without hurting his feelings or anything of that sort. But what would happen if I got pregnant? Who would support me? Or what if I got homesick? It was all too much to think about.

"I will think about it. Alright? I just don't want us to make huge decisions when we haven't even told my parents yet." I put my hand on his face.
Vladimir nodded. "I understand that. But our future is worth everything to me. Lilas, I do not wish for you to do anything against your will."
"I know that! I do. But...I have another question for you. How did you afford an estate?"
Vladimir sighed and looked down at the blanket again.
"My father gave me a loan."
I lightly shoved him. "No, my love! You cannot take money from your parents. We cannot do that."
"It was only for the down payment! My book will be published in a couple of months which will help us get money. Besides, it was only a loan. I can pay him back after the wedding and what not."
I gulped. "I just-"
"Lilas, would you stop fretting all of the time!" Vladimir chuckled and sat all the way up now. "This is apart of becoming an adult! You're twenty and I'm twenty-two, we are old enough to settle all of this! So don't worry so much. Now kiss me, please." Vladimir  demanded. I gave a wan smile and sat all the way up now. I kissed him and then pulled away to look at him. Perhaps I did worry too much and he knew what he was doing. But in a way, I felt stuck. Stuck as if I was a rope between my family and love.

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