Gone Man

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I stood with the few people that came to Anton and Rebecca Brown's wedding. A few doctors from the hospital, Anton's half-siblings and their families, and I were the only ones that attended. But the new couple did not seemed to mind and were rather joyous on this day. I wore plain clothes and went incognito. Anton's family did not know who I was. My injury was slowly healing and I had been feeling pretty well for the day.

Anton and Rebecca stood and gave each other a kiss. We applauded for them as their candles were removed and the crowns were taken off. Anton turned around to look at me with a grin, to which I smiled back at him. It was the first time I had seen him so happy. I was nothing but the best for him, no matter how much it hurt. Anton's eyes followed me until they couldn't anymore and he was walking out with Rebecca. There was a photographer outside the church to everyone's surprise.

"I did not hire a photographer. Who did this?" Anton asked. He turned and looked at me. "Tatiana Nikolaevna-"

"Everyone deserves to remember their happy day. Go on, take a photo with Mrs. Ivanova." I smiled widely. Rebecca gave a giggle and linked arms with Anton. Anton nodded and mouthed the words "thank you" to me. I nodded back and stood back as I watched their photo be taken. I had never seen Rebecca so happy neither. Even though she would be leaving the palace, I was happy to see her getting her happy ending.

Afterwards, the reception was at a pub down the street. There was a band who was playing music and drinks were going around. Men laughed loudly and the women were doting all over Rebecca and looking at her wedding ring. And when she was showing off her wedding ring, she and Anton were dancing around the room while the others cheered them on. I sat at the bar and drank a whiskey. Suddenly, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. Anton's head poked around with a smirk on his face.

"Didn't I tell you that you should not drink for at least a month until you have healed?"

I smirked back. "Well, to be fair, you are not my doctor anymore."

"Then I am telling you as a friend and not as a doctor. Besides, I am still qualified to tell you if something is healthy or not." Anton plopped himself down in the chair next to him. He ordered a vodka and it was served to him quickly. Anton shot it, threw his head back, and then lowered his with a sour look on his face. "Oh, that one did not go down well. It's burning my throat."

I did not say anything and just stared at my drink. I did not know what I was feeling. My stomach kind of hurt, but I couldn't tell if it was my injury or my feelings. I felt tired...and sad. Anton noticed that and scooted in closer to me.

"Tatiana Nikolaevna, whatever is the matter?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Come on," he nudged my arm. "I cannot let my best friend be sad on my wedding day. Tell me, what is on your mind?"

Suddenly, the glasses started to click loudly. We looked over and saw that Rebecca was banging on a glass with a fork. Our attention went to her and the room fell silent, even the band.

Rebecca cleared her throat. "Sorry, everyone! I will shut my mouth is just a moment. First of all, I want to thank you all for coming today. This has been the greatest day of my whole life. However, it is time for Tatiana Nikolaevna's speech to us that she has written herself. Give her a round of applause, please."

My heart dropped. I had no planned a speech. I looked over at Anton wide eyes. He mouthed "I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you." But that did not help my case. What would I say? I had nothing to say. I stood from my chair slowly and everyone's attention came to me. I could not help but chuckle and scan the room.

"Oh...I did not realize we were doing the speech now. I suppose I am not allowed to run out the doors now, am I?" I smiled. A few laughs were given in the room. My eyes met Rebecca across the room. She grinned with a straight posture. "Rebecca Brown, you have been a great confidant to me. You are always there to help me and my family when it is needed. You are an excellent nurse and I am so sad at the fact I shall not be able to see you at the hospital anymore. However, when one door closes, another one opens. And you, Rebecca Brown, have married one of the greatest souls I have ever met. I just know that your beautiful souls together will do amazing things. You will be a great wife, companion, and mother. I know it."

Rebecca and the other girls giggled. My eyes then met Anton's. He had a wan smile on his face and gave a small nod at me. A hard lump formed in my throat and my hands started shaking. I gulped hard and faked a small smile.

"Anton, my greatest friend, you have no idea how happy I am for you. For the years I have known you, your warmth and comfort have been what kept me going. You have your father's personality. You are so unbelievably warm-hearted and full of fun. Some of my happiest moments have been with you. And even though you are leaving to England, I will never forget you. I never could. And Anton, no matter how much times goes by...I will always, for the rest of my life, always, and completely love you. Thank you for being my friend, and I hope God protects you for the rest of your life. You are always in my prayers and dreams. To Mr. Ivanov and Mrs. Ivanova! May their years together be full of love." I raised my glass. Everyone raised their glasses and drank...except Anton. He looked me straight in the eyes and were flooded with tears. Tears flooded mine too and I felt like wrapping my arms around him. That was until Rebecca ran over and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Oh, what a beautiful speech! You must write to us. Promise?" Rebecca giggled. She let go of me and grabbed Anton's hand. "Come on, Mr. Ivanov. Let us go dance!"

Anton's flooded eyes did not leave mine until they lost me as they started dancing. Their eyes were full of love as they danced around the room again. I did not know why was so hurt over this. I loved Anton, but I was not sure what kind of love. And it would not matter anyway. I was a married woman with three-children. Anton was a newly married man and moving to England.Perhaps this was my new beginning too. Our time together was coming to an end. And so was my time at the hospital.

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