Battle Training III

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"What will you do now?"

A lone girl with raven hair and crystal blue eyes walked alone throughout the building's empty halls. In her hands was a large black rectangle with a metallic shine that hinted at its true nature hidden within its current docile form. Despite what she initially thought the sound she was met with was the world holding its breath in anticipation for what was to come.

"First it was Kacchan, then All Might, and now you too?"

"Saya I've made it inside, the bomb is in the third room on the fourth story like you said."

"Got it," Saya tapped her earpiece to respond to her partner, "stick to the plan I'm almost in position."

"You know even with a quirk you still haven't changed much. You're still terrified aren't you? You fear the thought of your new family leaving you, you fear the thought of forgetting everything that's happened to you because you feel like you deserve it all, but worst of all you fear yourself."

A girl quite similar to Saya but with messy emerald hair and matching eyes rounded the corner and faced Saya with a pitiful expression. It was a sarcastic smile filled with self-loathing and misplaced anger. Instead of her usual burned and cut uniform she was wearing a green jumpsuit with black accents. White bracers covered her hands and the soles of her signature red shoes were covered in a black metal. Despite the fact that her lips failed to move Saya could still hear her voice.

"Eraserhead is right you know, you're stronger now. But that's not what this is about is it? You're not afraid of your quirk, in fact you love your quirk and everything you can do. It's just those two isn't it, no sorry, those three. All Might, Kachan, and Ru-"

"Keep her name out of your mouth," Saya punched the wall beside her in an outburst of rage which ended up shaking the entire building.

The crackling of the earpiece signaled came just before the worried voice of Saya's partner, "Saya what was that?"

"You're scared because you can't let go of Kachan can you? You did more than just admire her after all! You were in-"


Saya barely managed to duck down in time as a leg flew straight over her head. She quickly rolled forward to avoid the incoming series of low punches and kicks before jumping back to her feet and facing her assailant. An ash-blond girl wearing a tight fitting tank top and loose pants with a black and orange cloth mask that let her blood red eyes shine through. On her hands were two gauntlets shaped into grenades that were most likely for releasing massive explosions based on Saya's momentary observations. It was Saya's target on the opposite team and the vital component to her plan: Katsumi Bakugo.

"What's wrong, is dodging all you can do?" Katsumi baited the expressionless girl with an obvious provocation.

Saya held her hands over the black rectangle that was slung to her side but hesitated and instead chose to enter an unarmed stance.

Katsumi eyed the girl suspiciously before charging at her with a right hook while using small explosions from her feet to increase her speed tremendously, "Let's see if what they say about you is true!"

"She's using what I told her to back in Middle School. But still I guess she'll always start with that right hook."

Saya countered by slipping inward into Katsumi and grabbing her arm. Using the explosion girl's own momentum the smaller girl managed to flip her with a small grunt and create some distance between the two. With a growl Katsumi stood up and glared directly at Saya but was disgusted by the distant look in her eyes. Her opponent was right in front of her so where was she looking?

"Pay attention you damn extra!"

A vicous brawl ensued between the two girls as they launched at each other. Saya was faster that Katsumi and was difficult to read thanks to the variety of close combat skills she trained in favoring speed and lethality above all else. Katsumi was slower than Saya but was barely managing to keep up thanks to the use of minor explosions in her movements to bridge the gap. Unlike the smaller girl Katsumi prefered raw strength and power over speed and precision in a combonation of grappling and boxing. Saya would duck under a grab only to have to jump backward from an explosion. Katsumi lunged forward only to be stopped by a quick leg sweep and have to roll out of the way of a stomp aimed at her chest. Suddenly she dropped low and released a choked explosion to create a smokescreen. Saya paused and closed her eyes to block out everything unessecary and felt the shift of the air behind her. Using the force of her spin she sent out a quick jab that connected not with flesh but with the hardened carbon fiber of Katsumi's gauntlets.

"Got you."

Saya felt a sweaty palm wrap around the back of her neck and force her to the ground before the burning sensation began. She grunted in pain as Katsumi let off small pops from the palm of her hand.


Katsumi looked up to find herself standing in a black void yet without a single ounce of light she could still clearly make out the terrible scene before her. Hundreds of bodies were strewn across the void in various forms of death as if made into a twisted gallery of modern art. Dismemberment, beheading, disembowelment, crucifixion, hanging, all manner of death was put on display. She had never seen death so close to her in any manner, it was nauseating, but the worst part was that she recognized each one of the morbid art pieces. A girl with messy emerald hair and fearful eyes matching in color. The ash-blond girl's face was frozen in a mixture of fear and disgust as she staggered backward into a pile of something soft and squelching. Katsumi turned and fell onto her back with an audible gag as she bore witness to the grotesque throne made from bone sitting atop a platform of bloody flesh. Sitting upon the throne was the incarnation of death the master of this black void and morbid art gallery. A girl with raven black hair and crystal blue eyes who's expressionless face and petite figure made her seem like a porcelain doll.

"Why are you just standing there?"

Katsumi was shocked out of her stupor from the emotionless tone in Saya's voice and found herself back in the hallway she had ambushed the girl in. They were standing on opposite ends of the hallway where theynl had begun and no signs of their brawl could be found. The only thing that was different was that Saya had a black aura surrounding her and her eyes had a light glow. Katsumi grit her teeth and jumped backward still shaken from what she had seen. With trembling hands she grasped the pin on her gauntlet and took aim.

"Young Bakugo you could seriously injure Young Inari with that!"


Barely acknowledging her mentor Katsumi pulled the pin on her gauntlets and felt the recoil shoot through her arms from the explosion. Yet in an instant Saya was right in front of Katsumi and grabbed onto her wrist before forcing it upward so that her palm faced the ceiling.

"Chako now."

The explosion shook the entire building as it tore through the floors above deafening the two girls at its epicenter. Without hesitating Saya thrust a knuckle into Katsumi's throat and threw her to out of the way of the falling rubble before jumping backward herself. A panicked shout could be heard from a falling suit of armor that was being tossed between the chuncks of concrete and metal. A girl in a tight bodysuit was manuvering through the falling rubble with much more grace but was still having trouble avoiding everything as she traversed her way to the prop bomb that was crashing down between the floors.

"I won't let you Ochaco!"

The suit of armor managed to twist itself midair with a shout and begin kicking debris upward towards the girl using the engines on its calves for a power boost. Ochaco did her best to dodge the speeding debris both flying at her and falling around her but was eventually knocked off her trajectory from a chuck of concrete slamming into her shoulder.


A streak of black raced through the debris at inhuman speeds jumping between chunchs of metal and concrete as if they were footholds. In a single moment Saya appeared next to the falling bomb with Ochaco in her arms and touched it before racing toward the suit of armor who was still crashing down in between the floors. The booming voice of their teacher rang out in their earpieces just as Saya managed to grab onto the armor and drag it into safety.


Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon