Saya's First Class

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It was quite an odd sight to see both Class 1-A and Class 1-B together anywhere aside from the cafeteria. Even though it was only the last day if the first week both hero classes had already formed a sort of rivalry with each other for a few reasons. The largest reason was that Saya and Shinso, rumored to be as strong as the school's Big Three; the three Third Year students said to be on par with the top ten heroes; were part of 1-A which naturally garnered plenty of attention. Another big reason was because Saya was technically a teacher and had all the authorities of one even if she was a student. The rivalry was more sparked out of curiousity between the two classes that turned into competition after seeing the rosters and strength of each class. While healthy competition was a good thing it currently was looking more like both classes were simply uncomfortable with each other mainly due to the two blonds who were about to begin trading blows in the middle of the classroom.

"What did you say copycat extra?"

"What's that? I can't hear you over your own ego Ms. Pomeranian!"

Saya now understood why her Dad had said: "Being a teacher is, in a way, much harder than hero work will ever be". Class hadn't even begun yet there were already issues that would no doubt be continuing for the foreseeable future. With a sigh she quietly walked into the room and stood at the podium while observing the fledgling heroes and wairinf for them to notice her arrival. Saya wasn't hiding her presence or using any part of her abilities or training to even hide herself yet out if the 39 students only seven noticed her not including her older brother. In Class 1-A only Shoji, Jiro, and Tokoyami noticed their classmate and teacher arrive and promptly sat up in their seats and were nervously watching her. In 1-B the ones who noticed her were Kuroiro, Kendo, Tokage, and Yanagi well admittedly almost all of 1-B had taken notice that they were being watched but only those four noticed who it was.

"You can't even stand up to my level, you have to copy other's just to even have a chance at anything don't you?"

"At least I didn't attack my classmates!"

"That's enough everyone class is about to begin," although Saya's voice was nothing more than a whisper it carried like a shout in the classroom. "Only seven of you noticed me when I walked and there are 39 of you in here. That won't do at all, not being aware of your surrounding at all times can lead to disastrous consequences during hero work."

"Tch serves you right," Katsumi decided to take one last jab at Momona before returning to her seat.

"Well Katsumi if you must know it was mostly class 1-A that I'm disappointed in," Saya spoke matter of factly, "you have spent the most time with me both in class and in the dorms but still haven't seemdled to notice me even when I sit right next to most of you. Shoji, Jiro, Tokoyami, and Shinso are the exceptions to this."

Momona smirked, "Looks like Class 1-B really is better than 1-A."

"Please just stop talking you're only making it worse!" The rest of the students had a collective thought at their classmate's antics.

"Momona you were the only one out of the entirety of Class 1-B to not notice anything was off."

Saya sighed as she watched the class go quiet in embarrassment. In all honesty she hadn't been expecting much from either class but after watching their preformances in All Might's practical training they had surpassed her expectations. Of course their understandings of quirks as well as combat in general were lacking but that was because they were still inexperienced. Only to completely betray her observations in a classroom setting. That was when Saya realized that her thought process was flawed from the start and that she had been judging them as a whole and not in seperate parts. If it wasn't for the fact that she was in the middle of teaching she was sure she would have slammed her head onto the nearest wall in shame.

"I apologize," Saya took uncapped the dry erase marker and began writing on the board, "I realize thst I've been assessing your abilities with a flawed mindset so I would like to start over. After all the purpose of Foundational Hero Studies is to create a foundation for you to improve and grow, if I assume you already have that foundation how can I help you create one?"

The board now read: "Introduction to Analysis of Quirks, Combatives, and Strategies".

"Let's start over. My name is Saya Inari and I will be your teacher every Friday for Foundational Hero Studies using applied anaylsis. To begin with let's play a small game and see how well you all do. I'm going to giver you a scenario and you will all have tonwork together to tell me how you would solve it as a group."

The scenario was as follows. A disaster occured causing a city to fall to ruins with reports of survivors amongst the rubble. There is also a report of a national level villain heading towards the city. The 39 of you are the first heroes on the scene and are in charge of emergency operations. How would you handle the emergency operations?

The class immeaditely began to dicuss amongst themselves about their quirks and strong suits. After about ten minutes of planning Tenya and Kendo stood up to present the solution the class had collectively come up with.

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