Encounter III

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Saya stopped for a moment and looked around with a confused glance but found nothing out of the ordinary from her surroundings. She swore there was malice directed at the group but it had disappeared the moment she started looking around. Shinso apparently noticed it too as he signaled for the group to stop and quiet down before walking over to his sister.

"Guys what's wrong?" Ryu looked at the siblings with a puzzled expression. Rumi and Ochako also turned around at their actions.

Saya put a finger to her lips, "Something's wrong keep your guard up."

"Nothing's wrong you're pro-"

Before Ochako could finish her sentence she was yanked into the alleyway behind her by several green slimy tentacles. Saya and Shinso immeaditely chased after her while Ryuko and Rumi froze for a moment from shock.

"Call for help I'm going after them!" Rumi dashed after the two with a look Ryuko had never seen before. A mixture of anger and disappointment unbecoming of the confident and fearless rabbit girl.

Ryuko was co flicted as to whether follow her friends or call for help but eventually she pulled out her phone and dialed the emergency number. "You guys better be alright."


After a minute or two of chasing the sludge criminal Saya and Shinso finally cornered it at a dead end without any route for escape. It kept a tight grip around Ochako's neck and limbs as it tried to force its way into the girl's mouth.

"Why can't you just let her go?" Shinso asked while inching closer to the sludge criminal.

The sludge criminal smiled with malicious glee, "Stay where you are or I'll kill the cutie and then where will be be eh?"

"He avoided the question but it doesn't look like he realized Aniki's quirk yet," Saya analyzed the situation while coming up with a few plans to fall back on in case further action was required.

"What do you want? Money or something?" Shinso took a step back.

"What do I want? I want -"

"Gotcha," Shinso smirked as the sludge criminal stopped moving and its eyes went blank. "Put her down and compress yourself down into the smallest you can."

The sludge criminal dropped Ochako and Shinso had to rush forward to collect her while Saya grabbed a discarded plastic bottle that was convienently thrown to the side. With a nod she began to stuff the toxic green sludge into the bottle without much effort.

"Hey I'm here is everything alright?" Rumi jumped into the alleyway with her guard up ready to fight but only found Shinso holding an unconscious Ochako with a wry smile. She let out a sigh of relief that Rumi hadn't known she was holding in and returned a shaky smile back to the purple haired boy.

Not long after Ryuko also arrived admits the tense silence with several police officers and a pro hero with a very wide and muscular build that Saya immeaditely recognized as Death Arms. "I brought help!"

Wordlessly Saya approached Death Arms and handed him the bottle along with her Provisional License and a card that read: U.A. Fenrir Agency, and then walked over to Rumi and grabbed her hand. Rumi looked at the black haired girl and realized that she was shaking and Saya's warmth helped to comfort her somewhat. Ryuko saw this and decided it was best for the two to have their moment but went over to Shinso with the officers to check on Ochako.

"No apparent injuries aside from some bruising on her neck from being strangled. We need to get her to a hospital to check for any internal and brain injuries," Shinso directed the situation calmly and professionally as the police officers quickly acted for the safety of the unconscious brunette.

Death Arms pulled Saya over to himself by the shoulder with a sharp glare, "I don't know how you managed to fake one of these but between what I'm assuming is illegal quirk use and this I'm going to have to ask all of you to come with us."

"Hey wait a minute they were just saving our friend!" Rumi shook herself out of her stupor and protested against the pro hero's edict.

Had it been any other hero Saya would have been quick to agree with Rumi but Death Arms was well respected for his hard work and despite his brash nature liked among the populace. Instead she chose to stop Rumi by squeezing her hand and shaking her head no. "Yes sir we'll explain everything at the station but we need to ensure the safety of our friend first."

Death Arms nodded before going to assist the officers with calling emergency services.


"Again I'm telling you that we're part of U.A.'s Fenrir Branch and that we recieved our Provisional Licenses under the permission of Principal Nezu and Eraserhead," Shinso somehow felt more exhausted as he replied to the officer questioning him in the middle of the precinct than after one of hia Father's training sessions.

The officer sighed, "Look the licenses check out with the system but I can't find anything on Project Fenrir or the Fenrir Branch so I can't exactly release you until a guardian comes or we get some information to clear this up."

"The Fenrir Branch is run directly by Principal Nezu and is a new system created for advanced students who wish to attend U.A. have the abilities operate as heros at the same time," Saya pointed to the number on the card Nezu had given both the teens, "Have you called this number yet it should clear everything up."

"Yeah my partner is contacting that number right now," the officer turned around to see his partner walk out of the private office, "speak of the devil here he comes."

The other officer looked like he had seen a ghost as he approached the desk and handed Saya back her card, "They're free to go and your parents are on their way to pick you guys up."

"What about Rumi and Ryu?" Shinso asked as everyone collectively ignired the officer who was sitting down at his desk with a confused expression.

"The girls's parents have been contacted and they should be free to go after giving their statements," the officer quickly walked away as fast as he could to his own desk and made himself busy.


"Ryu my baby?"

"Shin, Saya where are you two?"

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Where stories live. Discover now