A Decision III

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"So how was your time with the Little Listener Shin?" Yamada asked as he and the rest of his family settled into their car for the drive home.

Shinso thought about it for a moment before answering, "She was very quiet at first. I thought that she was just being icy and ignoring me but as I watched her write in that notebook I realized that she was just really focused. When I finally got her to talk with me she seemed really sad and lonely. Even though she doesn't really express or show any emotion you can tell by her eyes what she's feeling almost like she's locked everything away deep inside of herself."

The two parents turned around to look at Shinso who had never shown much interest in anyone before.

"She's also really into hero and villain analysis and is so good it's almost scary. I told her the basics of my quirk earlier and she gave me several recommendations for ways to improve my quirk and overcome potential weaknesses and drawbacks. Not to mention she also gave me an idea for some support gear that I could use. The notes she makes are probably as good as the ones you show me from work Dad," Shinso hummed as the drive to their home began.

"Those notes were made by Nezu," the couple internally panicked as they continued their discussion.

"So what do you think of what we told you before about us taking her in as her guardians," Aizawa asked with a bit of hesitation as to how his son would react.

"I think I want to help her in anyway I can," Shinso answered slowly, "when I see her it hurts. It reminds me of when you and Papa found me. She's just looking for someone who believes in her and will be there for her like I was."

Aizawa and Yamada couldn't help but smile at their son as they drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.


"Now Inari there are a few things I wish to discuss with you before you fully accept our offer," Nezu somehow managed to produce a tea set from within one of the infirmary room's cupboards as Recovery Girl just sighed with exasperation and went back to her work. "The first is in regards to where you will stay during your time at U.A. however now that you're here I can finally implement a dormitory system. As thanks you may have your own private dorm, with the exception that the Aizawa family will also be sharing the same dorm building as you. The second is in regards to Project Fenrir which I would like you to be in charge of during your time at U.A. and perhaps even further into the future."

"A collection of advanced students who would be given the chance to operate as full fledged heros under the supervision of the U.A. staff," Saya pondered after Nezu finished his breif explanation. "It's an amazing idea to help change the standards of the hero profession and it would help to have an example for students to strive toward. But why me Principal Nezu? There are surely more suitable candidates within the current student body."

"Well based off the information in your notebook I would say you're more than ready to take on almost anything that would come your way, all you need is training and experience," Nezu gestured toward the open notebook that held all of Saya's notes on Shinso and his quirk.

"But I'm quirkless," Saya looked down at her hands and clenched her fists, "I'm too much at a disadvantage against anything I might face out there."

Nezu internally cursed the people from the thhe girl's childhood who had managed to bring her this low, "There are plenty of heros whose quirks are incredibly situationaly and do hero work otherwise quirkless. Eraserhead is a prime example of this, his quirk erases other quirks but it doesn't do anything more than that. Everything he does from combat to rescue is otherwise of his own skill and strength not from some boost his quirk grants him. Ectoplasm is also another good example to a lesser extent. His quirk simply allows him to clone himself using an ectoplam like substance while his skills and strength have been honed through many years of training and experience, not through some sort of power boost. Those with most mutation type quirks are also prime examples since the only real advantage they have over quirkless is that they have certain aspects of their pbysical abilities enhanced but nothing to the degree of an overwhelming advantage. Gang Orca, he can use supersonic frequencies and swin fast in water but other than that he is simply otherwise quirkless. Think of Recovery Girl and I as well. Recovery Girl is a professional when it comes to rescue and medical heroism. While her quirk allows her to heal others she still uses her knowledge in medicinal practices much more than her actual quirk since it can be detrimental to patients. I on the other hand just have an increased intellect but besides that I'm a rat, dog, bear hybrid."

Saya looked up with a newfound determination and realization in her eyes from Nezu's words, "I knew that quirks weren't everything but I guess after wishing for a quirk for so long I started to forget that fact. Thank you Principal Nezu."

"Uncle Nezu, like Yamada said before the entire staff of U.A. will be your caretaker," Nezu smiled while Recovery Girl internally sighed in the background, "we're your family now Saya Inari. Besides I'm sure that the rest of the staff would be a bit unperturbed if you went around calling them by their hero names when they haven't revealed themselves as such."

"But all heros have their real names available in the Safety Commission's public database with the exception Japan's Number One hero and America's Stars and Stripes due to government involvement," Saya was confused at Nezu's statement.

Nezu chuckled, "Most heros forget that fact since when they register under an agency or open their own they don't usually make their private matters public. But yes the public database has all that information available so that people can feel safer knowing the heros they look up too aren't some supernatural beings wiyh tremendous power but people trying to do the right thing in a world full of wrong."

"Oh," was all Saya could say.

"Now there is one more thing I would like to discuss with you about a certain staff member that has been recently hired."

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