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"All Might."

The blond titan turned around to find Saya with a few folders and papers in hand standing behind him, "Young Inari, I was just on the way to see Young Bakugo for some counseling! How can I help you?"

"Let Bakugo know that what she saw was part of the effects my quirk can have on people," Saya nodded as she walked alongside her colleague.

All Might was confused for a moment, "You mean the moment you two met and froze for a minute?"

"Yes my quirk takes the life force around me and enhances my abilities," Saya explained, "however it can sometimes trick people's minds that they're having a near death experience because they're not used to it. It doesn't harm anyone just makes them tired almost like Ms. Chiyo's quirk does to people."

"I will be sure to let Young Bakugo know thank you Young Inari," All Might responded although he was still a bit confused by what Saya was speaking about.

As Saya nodded and walked away he swore he could hear her mutter: "Izumi we need to have a talk" but decided to ignore it. She was most likely talking about another student she was considering for the Fenrir Branch after all. Stopping in front of one of the many private conference rooms and making sure no one was watching All Might transformed into his usual self since his time limit was almost up for the day and entered. Sitting farthest away from the door was Katsumi Bakugo with a conflicted expression somewhere between her usual anger and something more along the lines of fear. Her confidence and pride had been shaken but not diminished and if anything it was a good change of pace for the explosive blond in All Might's opinion. From what he could tell she was always on top and had been praised for it her entire life which led to her ego growing tremendously out of control. But now she had met someone stronger and no doubt more experienced than herself. If the file Principal Nezu had given All Might was anything to go by Saya was arguably as strong as Japan's top ten heroes and had a few operations from the Safety Commission under her record as well. She was obviously just observing the class's overall abilities and doing her best to match them so that they would have a challenge and a goal to work towards. However there was no way All Might could tell his student that.

"Young Bakugo while I would normally reprimand you for acting in an over-aggressive manner during our lesson today I understand that in the heat of battle sometimes drastic measures are needed so I will leave you with a simple warning for now. However, since it was you who requested our meeting today I think you should have the floor."

Katsumi shifted nervously in her seat before facing her mentor, "All Might, did you make the wrong choice as your successor?"

Before All Might could utter a word Katsumi continued.

"No, that's not right. What is Saya's quirk, it can't be an enhancement quirk. It has to be some sort of illusion quirk or one that makes you see what you fear right?" Katsumi's eyes were on the verge if desperation.

"Ah yes Young Inari told me you would ask something like this, may I ask why though?" All Might was reminded of Saya's words before he met with Bakugo.

"When I was younger I had a best friend and we did everything together. We both looked up to you and swore we would become the number one hero one day but that all changed once we got our quirks. Well, only I got one."

All Might had a terrible feeling in his stomach that wasn't caused by his injury.

"I'm not sure when it started, maybe it was when we fell off the bridge that one day, or when she swore she could still become a hero despite her quirklessness. But I started to started to hate her because I saw this spark in her that I didn't have. It was like looking at the sun she was just so bright and so far above me that I couldn't hope to catch up. I felt like if I didn't do something I would be left in her shadow forever. Even after years of everyone telling her she couldn't be a hero she proved to me that she could be one after saving me from that slime villain that escaped. Then she suddenly disappeared without a trace and I didn't even say thank you to her. All I did was tell her that it didn't mean we were even and left. Then you showed up and told me that I could be an even greater hero with my tenacity and passed on your power but something has been bothering me about it. What if she had your quirk, she always looked up to you and to be honest has even more drive than I do to become a hero. To make matters worse I haven't even been able to activate your quirk yet."

"You will with time Young Bakugo, when the torch was passed onto me I wasn't able to activate it until I saw the power as my own and not my mentor's," All Might knew that was something much deeper that Katsumi wasn't letting at. Perhaps she wasn't ready yet or was too scared to face whatever it was. It was interrupting her growth both physically and mentally but once it was out of the way she would begin to grow by leaps and bounds. "But now you have a goal to reach for both yourself and your friend. It's your job to bring peace and hope to everyone now as my successor."

Katsumi still looked conflicted but much less agitated, "I understand."

Neither of them had truly understood the gravity if the conversation they had nor the past events they were hiding out of shame. They were refusing to face their pasts and they both knew it but, how could they after what they had done. They had stolen the hopes and the dreams of someone who had spent their whole life trying to reach for one thing and one thing only. The past was something neither could change but in their silence both mentor and successor made a vow to change the future.

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Where stories live. Discover now