Moving Into The Dorms

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Saya sighed when she looked at the clock after she had finally finished setting up her room in the dorms. It was already 2045 which meant that she had spent over six hours arranging and decorating her room. She had even left majority of her belongings at her parent's home in her room there mostly because no one would ever let her live it down if they saw it all. The only people who had ever seen her room were her Dad, Papa, and Aniki (Shinso) yet even they still teased her about it from time to time. A small ringing alerted Saya to a notification on her phone and when she checked it there was a text from Shinso.

Aniki : Hey just finished setting up my room. Ida said Momo is ordering food for everyone so lets head down.

Attached to the message was a picture of Shinso's room. It was surprisingly plain aside from the display mounts that had different types of capture tape he and Saya had designed during their free time, and created courtesy of Uncle Higari. He had a shelf full of what Saya was sure was fantasy light novels and a few magazines with heroes, gear, and dragons among their contents. Although Shinso would never openly admit it he was a huge fan of dragons and had certain tastes pertaining to them that Saya had accidentally stumbled upon while looking for a hero magazine her older brother borrowed. Ever since Ryuko had told them about her quirk Shinso had never heard the end of it from his younger sister.

Imoto : I just finished too. I'll be down in a moment, you know what to order for me.

Saya then sent a picture of her own room over to Shinso, a decision she would come to regret later. Half of her room looked like an office space and the other like a cosplayer's bedroom. She had several bookshelves filled with notebooks that contained her personal notes about heroes, villains, gears, and any other thing that interested her. A desk that had several monitors was neatly tucked away in the corner that still gave access to the closet. The other half of Saya's room was covered in pastel goth colors of pink and black. Several posters of rabbit girls and cat girls in frilly dresses and skirts with harnesses were attached to the walls and ceiling. At the head of her bed was a large poster with a rabbit and a black cat sharing an apple together. Hanging in between were display mounts with several different scythes, also courtesy of Uncle Higari. On her bed lay a mountain of stuffed animals so large that Saya could hide inside it and not be seen.

"Oh hey did you just finish?" Rumi caught Saya just as she was stepping out of her room.

Saya nodded, "Took awhile but I'm finally finished. Going to see Momo for food?"

"You know it!" Rumi said with excitement, as the two made their way downstairs.

When the food eventually arrived the friend groups within the class became clear. The two largest were centered around Saya and surprisingly Katsumi with a smaller third one made from majority of the other girls. The ones who sat alone were Shoto and Yuga the former simply just wuiet and the latter was having a hard time actually talking with others due to his flamboyant nature. Once everyone was finished eating Mina gathrred everyone together for an announcement.

"Hey let's have a dorm room show! That way we can get to know each other better," Mina stood in front of the stairway with a wide grin.

After some additional convincing majority of the class gave in. Each room reflected each of their occupants personalities. The most surprising were Shoto's, who had somehow remodeled his entire room in traditional Japanese style, and Jiro's who had all manner of music gear set up around her room. Momo's room was also quite a sight since her bed had taken up over half the room alone. Rumi and Kirishima's room emwere surprisingky similar with how they were filled with training equipment and posters of famous fighters, they quickly agrees to being work out buddies. However now they had come to the last two rooms that were the only ones on the top floor, those being Shinso's and Saya's. Shinso's room was just as many had expected it and he had even agreed to lend Ryuko and Shoto some of his light novels since they enjoyed reading. But much to the class's dismay Saya refused to let anyone into her room.

"C'mon Saya just a peek," Mina and Ochaco pleaded with the expresionless girl who only shook her head in decline at the offer.

"It would have been cool to see but ai guess there's no helping it," Rumi sighed in defeat.

Shinso grinned, "Saya you've seen everyone's rooms already so it's fair to show yours. At least show Rumi, she's been waiting to see your room since we started."

Saya was conflicted but still ultimately refused.

"You've forced my hand Saya," Shinso sighed as he pulled out his phone and showed Rumi the photo with his Dad's signature grin plastered on his face.

Saya's eyes went wide with horror as the class crowded around Shinso's phone to see the photo. A moment of silence was soon followed by a few snickers among the class. Faster than anyone could react Saya rushed forward and confiscated the phone while the class just looked at the expressionless girl with mixed emotions. Some had grins that matched Shinso's and others had pitying smiles however, Rumi had a light blush on her face that she was trying to hide by looking away.

"I-I like it," Rumi said quietly in Saya's defense.

Shinso suddenly got a very bad feeling when Saya looked directly at him and he realized two things. The first was that Saya knew a lot of things about him in fact she knew much more about him than him to her. Secondly she was holding his phone, at first glance it may not seem like much an issue but a teenager's phone is a sacred place to them. A haven to explore not only the vast expanses of the internet but a gateway into their own personal explorations about themselves. Knowing the chaos that was about ensue Shinso reached towards his phone with a desperate expression but it was too late as Saya opened his camera roll and handed the phone to Ryuko. The dragon girl turned a bright shade of red before wordlessly handing the phone back to its owner and leaving for her own room. Shinso's face was filled with despair but before he could do anything Aizawa appeared behind the group.

"Alright I know you're all excited and all but you kids still have class tomorrow. Lights out is in ten minutes so everyone go get ready for bed."

In awkward silence the students dispersed to their own rooms before retiring for the night. The two siblings both had a similar though as they began to fall asleep.

"I have won the battle, but I certainly lost the war."

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon