The Child III

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An emotionless expression was not what Aizawa had expected to see once he walked back into the infirmary to see the girl at her own request. Panic and fear were the most common and to a lesser degree confusion were what he had expected but was instead met with an eerie calmness. For a moment her crystal eyes met with his dark orbs and he was taken away into another space, a dark and oppressive space that made him feel as if he were floating in an endless expanse.

"Thank you Mr. Eraserhead," the girl's voice brought Aizawa out of his trance and he found her bowing to him while still sitting on the cot.

"No need for that Izu-"

The girl growled before he could finish, "That's not my name."

The room grew tense at the sudden outburst and some of the teachers present shifted slightly into more defensive stance.

"I'm sorry but that's not my name," the girl calmed down after a moment and the tension eased.

Nezu made his way closer to the bed, "May we have your name then miss?"

The girl pondered the question for a few moments before slowly answering, "S-Saya. Saya Inari."

"The darkness of humanity and the messengar fox how fitting," Nezu thought to himself behind his unreadble smile and beady eyes. "Very well Saya Inari it is. Although I must say I was unable to find any information on you so I am assuming you're an orphan."

"Yes Principal Nezu I don't know my parents," Saya nodded along with Nezu.

Nezu was almost estatic as the rest of those present were entirely confused as to what was happening bar Aizawa and Nemuri, "Official documentation for less fortunate children are always mishandled honestly it is such a shame is it not Inari?"

It was then that everyone had the same thought, "He's not seriously doing what I think he's doing is he?"

"As Principal of U.A. I have the authority to create official documentation in place of your former caretakers and seeing as how your official documentation has been lost I think that would be fitting!" Nezu's smile somehow seemed a bit more maniacal than it did a moment before.

If anyone looked closely enough Saya had a similar maniacal glint in her own as eyes that matched Nezu's, "Thank you Principal Nezu."

"It's not just Nezu it's both of them," everyone suddenly felt much more tense then they had been before as they all looked between each other with a single thought. "We can't let Nezu have her."

"Now now everyone it's quite late and I'm sure Inari would like to rest as would the rest of you so tomorrow we will pick this up bright and early. After all we require a staff meeting regarding our newest addition to the teachering staff," Nezu's voice was laced with venom and understandably so.


The next morning all the teachers and some of the executive staff members gathered in Nezu's personal meeting room which was only used for the most important meeting which put everyone on edge.

"Thank you for gathering here everyone, some of the teachers already know what this meeting is about however I felt the need to have all the staff be informed about a few new changes regarding the upcoming school year." Nezu began his speech once everyone had settled down.

The first topic to be addressed was the two new additions to the U.A. staff roster. One being the Number One Hero in Japan: All Might and a teenager by the name of Saya Inari. Most of the staff bar the teachers and Nezu were surpised at the fact that All Might had chosen to actually accept the invitation to teach at U.A. after so many years of declining it. However that was quickly interrupted by the announcement of a teenage girl no one had heard of before.

"I'm sure you have many questions but first we need to address the situation with All Might and his position as part of our teaching staff. It has come to our attention that All Might has recently become involved with a missing person case and due to the nature of his involvement it may very well result in the declining of his position as a member of our staff. This will not be left to us however it did require that I bring this to everyone's attention. No further details will be discussed and this matter will be kept private. Now onto the second matter," Nezu quickly took a sip of his tea before he continued by pressing a button on the remote to change the image on the projector.

Project Fenrir, a collection of advanced students who would operate as fledgling heros with their provisional licenses. However unlike students undergoing internships those under Project Fenrir will be acting as their own unit as if they were a hero agency under the supervision of Nezu and the teachers. The purpose of the project was to allow a select few of the best preforming students experience what is was like to operate as an agency unlike the interships which were more or less just allowing atudents to experience the basics of hero work. Duties such as documentation, patrols, requests and responses, public appearences, and the other aspects of hero work that were not fully covered by work studies and internships would be the focus of Project Fenrir. Of course everything would also be supervised by Nezu and the teachers so that nothing would be outside of what the students could handle while juggling school responsibilities.

Nezu could see the hesitation in his staff's demeanor but he quickly put his reasoning into words, "This may seem like a daunting task and it very well may be one. However there is one thing I would like everyone to keep in mind. As of the last few years we have been experiencing a rapid increase in the hero profession so much so that other industries are beginning to feel the lack of a workforce. But even as we have more than enough heros the quality of heros has been dropping drastically. Heros who know nothing more than public appearences, fame, money, and the occasional scuffle with a minor thug or criminal. Newer heros are lacking in both managerial skill and knowledge of what it takes to operate at a more effective scale. As the top hero school in Japan it's up to us to change the standard of what it means to be the next generation of heros. To that end I need a student to spearhead this project."

Snipe who had been quiet the whole meeting spoke up, "But why this girl Principal Nezu and why have her be a part of the staff instead of just choosing her from amongst the student body?"

"And why not just have The Big Three spearhead the project instead?" Cementoss was next to chime in.

"Due to the situation surrounding Saya Inari it has been decided that U.A. will take her in not only as a student but as a ward under our care," Nezu dropped a bombshell that made the entire room go silent. "Since U.A. as an institution cannot take on a ward and the process of finding her a caretaker is still in the workings we will have her listed as a member of our staff which will allow us to provide her shelter and other benefits without any legal ramifications. To this end she will be officially tasked with leading Project Fenrir until the process of finding a caretaker has been completed, after that it will be her choice whether or not to continue as a member of our staff. Not only that but it also gives me an excuse to finally implement the dorm system."

The staff sat there in silence unsure of how to respond to the sudden announcements. Some were worried or concerned and others were excited or just confused. Regardless they knew that at this point it was almost guaranteed to happen.

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