The Aizawa Family

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Due to the implementation of the dormitory system and the creation of Project Fenrir the entrance exams for new students as well as the start of the new school year had been pushed back an additional three months. Not only did the dormitories need to be constructed but it would also be a lengthy process to get permission from parents and have everyone begin to settle into the dorms after an inspection from the Safety Commission. During that time Saya had been officially adopted into the Aizawa household and she along with Shinso could often be seen hanging around U.A. together. It had taken awhile but Saya had eventually come around to meet all of the teaching staff and Nemuri as well as Higari Maijima had quite taken to Saya after being called Aunty and Uncle respectively. Shinso who was already familiar with the staff was very interested in each of their reactions at the new addition to what was effectively the U.A. family. His favorite reaction so far was Uncle Kan or rather Sekijiro Kan after he almost had a panic attack from one of Saya's mumbling sprees about the weaknesses and counters to his quirk and fighting style. A close contender would be Uncle Rush who despite his quiet and upbeat nature somehow became a muttering downtrodden mess after Saya simply said thank you to him after a meal and nothing more. Although what made that more hilarious was the fact that Saya innocently asked Shinso if Uncle Rush would autograph her notebook that she had been recovered from her old apartment after the two had left the cafeteria. However the most development came from the Aizawa family and Saya herself.

It took almost no time for Saya to settle into the Aizawa household since the only thing she had requested was the return of her analysis notebooks from her old apartment. It secretly hurt the couple to step into Saya's old room to find it covered in All Might merchandise and her signature green from her hair and eyes. Now her new room within the Aizawa household was relatively plain aside from all the animal plushies that covered her bed and not a single hint of green could be found anywhere. Aizawa and Yamada had found out in quite the weird way that Saya was no longer particularly fond of the color when they found her glaring at a piece of matcha mocchi they had gotten as dessert at a restaurant one time. To no surprise however, it was Shinso and Saya who bonded the fastest out of everyone in the household. They recognized the similar pain within each other and came to respect the other for it. Before anyone knew it the two were almost always together either analyzing hero news or trying to entice one of Aizawa's many cats to show them affection. Overall it brought a positive change to both teens as Shinso began to start trying to improve the functionality and flexibility of his quirk while Saya began to open up more to interacting with others.

The most surprising thing was how fast Yamada and Saya had managed to grow closer to each other. It started when Yamada caught Saya silently singing along to one of his vintage records in her signature monotone voice while he was cleaning. Both of their singing would certainly be considered a deadly weapon but nonetheless Yamada enjoyed having a Little Listener who could sing along with him to his music and shared a close music taste. Yet what truly made them bond was when Yamada found a picture of his mother whom he had lost when he was a child and was found on the verge of tears by Saya who also shared the same sorrow he did over losing someone who had been very important to them.

But what was the most shocking was the way Aizawa and Saya had bonded, a way they both swore to each other they would never reveal even as they died. To everyone else it seemed as though the two grew closer as Saya become interested in the different aspects of hero work due to being the effective leader of Project Fenrir. While she wasn't allowed to follow Aizawa on patrols Saya was often found hanging around Aizawa as he went through copious amounts of paperwork and documentation and while analyzing databases for information regarding criminals and villains. She and sometimes Shinso would be tasked with drawing up reports on locations, criminals, villains, and various heros.

Then at dinner one night Saya had called Yamada: "Papa", Aizawa: "Dad", and Shinso: "Aniki" and their familial bond was sealed. Yamada was estatic while Aizawa hid a smile beneath his home scarf. Shinso gave his new sister a hug which she returned after she froze from being initially shocked.

The largest and most noticeable of the changes came from Saya herself. No longer was she the meek girl who tried to be invisible with every fiber of her being. She walked without hunched shoulders and looked straight ahead. She would actively engage with others instead of being dragged into a converstaion. Although she was still rather quiet by nature and it didn't help that her expressionless face often made her seem icy but her eyes were still as expressive as ever. She was still coming to terms with her new appearence and the development of her dormant quirk at the hefty cost but slowly she was regaining something she never knew she lost. For showing her warmth and love she would be eternally grateful to the Aizawa family and the U.A. staff even if she was unable to express the joy she felt just from being around them. With Nezu and Aizawa's assistance Saya had begun to explore her quirk even if she was initially afraid of it. However after 3 months had passed Nezu recieved a most pleasent surprise from Saya in the form of a single question.

"How do I become strong enough to become a hero?"

Once the staff heard Nezu's joyous laughter echo throughout the school's halls they knew something was about to happen and they dreaded what was to come.

Author's Note
Hewo nya!~ It is I, Waffles_The_Neko, and I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction so far! This is my first fanfic so please bare with me as I stumble along. I want to apologize for the filler chapter since I don't normally write these and jump straight into the the important things but I didn't want to just put a timeskip and maybe a tiny explanation. My original plan was to just skip over this part in its entirety but I thought it would be a bit confusing to just start at the entrace exams and have Izumi (Saya) just be interacting with the staff and Shinso regularly. After all I wrote the whole Aizawa finding her and adopting her thing so I thought I should at least throw something in there about its development. Well that's enough for me for now. If you have any questions please put them in the comments! Once more thank you for reading this story. NEKO NYA!~

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