The Child II

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It was quite worrying for Hizashi Yamada to receive a call in the middle of a night from Principal Nezu to come to U.A. as quickly as possible with his son Shinso Hitoshi. He frantically asked if his husband, Shota Aizawa, was alright and was assured that he was but that he had been involved in an incident that now required the presence of the U.A. Teachers as well as the Aizawa household. Upon arriving to the infirmary the father son duo was met with the sight of majority of the teachers, Recovery Girl, Nezu, and a shell shocked Aizawa sitting outside a closed off curtain with grim expressions. However Yamada had only seen that same dark expression once before on his husband's face. The despair and desperation of someone on the verge of losing everything, the same expression Aizawa had when they found out their mutual best friend died while they were students at U.A. where they now taught. Just like that time Aizawa silently pulled his husband and now his son into a tight embrace as if they would disappear if he let them go.

"Dad?" Shinso embraced Aizawa with concern as he could feel his father shaking.

Yamada embraced his husband back before asking the question that was eating at him, "What happened?"

"We can discuss that outside," Nemuri Kayama, fellow Pro Hero and close family friend, gestured towards the door.

Once Yamada managed to get out from Aizawa's grasp he followed Nemuri and Nezu outside to discuss the peculiar situation. "What happened that he's in such a state?"

"Towards the end of his patrol he found a young girl in an alley and followed her. After an unsuccessful attempt to converse with her the girl activated her quirk out of fear and Eraserhead was forced to activate his own quirk to calm her down. However when he did this he watched the girl die in a rather grotesque manner from what he described to me," Nezu's ever cheerful tone betrayed the gravity of the words that he had just spoken. "Before you ask whether your husband killed a child the answer is no since she is still very much alive."

Yamada just stood there with his mouth half open looking between Nezu and Nemuri while waiting for one or the other to further explain.

Nemuri sighed, "We think it's the girl's quirk keeping her alive, she's passed out right now. Recovery Girl is currently watching over her until she wakes up but now the question is what to do with her."

"As far as I'm concerned we should just hand her over to the authorities or her parents," Yamada was confused as to where the converstaion was going.

Nezu somehow pulled out a manila folder from within one of his vests pockets and handed it to Yamada, "That's the problem we need to address. We are currently unable to and probably will never be able to."

Yamada's face darkened once he saw the contents of the folder. A single thought ran through his mind: "How could anyone do such a thing to a child?"

"I've already launched an investigation however I've taken it upon myself to find her an actual home. Sending her back to... that place... won't solve anything," Nezu hummed.

"None of the other teachers are good candidates due to their work and I can't take on a child due to obvious reasons as much as I want to deny it," Nemuri grimanced as she pat Yamada on the shoulder.

Yamada groaned, "As much as I feel for the Little Listener Sho and I already have a kid of our own. Not to mention Sho is really shaken up so I'm not sure how willing he'd be to take on the same child who triggered his current state."

"I'll do it," the door opened to reveal Eraserhead with a much more calm and collected expression that everyone was used to, "if she has nowhere else to go then we'll take her in. It's no different that what we did with Shinso."

"We adopted Shinso from an abusive family because we were searching for a child to love and care as our own Shota. This is something entirely different and as much as I want to take in the Little Listener we need to consider what is best for our family," Yamada was disgusted at the words that came from his own mouth however after reading through the file that Nezu had put together it was the most logical thing he had made a conclusion of. Yamada handed Aizawa the file, "I want to Sho but we really need to consider the best course of action beforehand."

Nemuri, Yamada, and Nezu headed back inside the infirmary to discuss the plan moving forward while Aizawa stayed behind to read the file. It was surprisingly thin for something Nezu had created however what lie inside made Aizawa break out into silent tears and he was therefor glad no one was around to see him at the moment. He had thought that what Shinso's parent's had done to him was unforgivable, it still was because any form of abuse would be considered as such, but this was something much more terrible. What stood out the most to Aizawa however, was the small word at the top of the file that was otherwise negligible compared to the rest of the file. Quirkless. No that had to be wrong the girl clearly had a quirk and was close to overwhelming him just from it's secondary activation. Reading further into the file he realized what it meant for the girl's quirk to activate and why it had been dormant this entire time. 15 years it was a miracle she had survived that long since the mortality rates for quirkless youth were extremely high at around 60%. 

"Aizawa, she's awake," Recovery Girl poked her head out of the doorway, "she wants to see Eraserhead, the one who found her." 

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