Battle Training II

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"Aplogies for my tardiness Mr. Maijima was busy helping a student," Saya walked into the observation room wearing the school provided gym uniform and carrying the black foldable scythe Rumi had dubbed: "Death Scythe".

All Might nodded in acknowledgement, "I presume your costume is still being made?"

"Yes sir, it won't be finished for another few weeks," Saya made her way over to Shinso.

"All right, well then you're just in time for me to explain the exercise we are about to do!"

The exercise was a simple one in its nature that required a team of heros to find a bomb that the villain team had hidden and disarm that bomb by touching it. The hero team could win by either disarming the bomb or capturing the villain team with a special tape before the ten minute timer was up. The villain team would win if they managed to guard the bomb or capture the hero team within the ten minutes. Teams would be pairs chosen at random to simulate the randomness of hero team ups and also not knowing your opponents quirks and how they worked in tandem. A good first lesson since it would encourage bonding and teamwork among the students as well as seeing how they acted under pressure. Saya was pleasantly surprised at All Might's lesson since he was typically behind on planning lessons if what the mess that was displayed on his desk told her anything.

"I was expecting more of an introductory class," Ochaco stretched while waiting in line to pull a lot.

Rumi was the first of the group to draw one, "Hey at least we get to kick butt faster!"

"As heroes we're expected to be able to act and respond quickly so it's normal that we'd jump straight into the action," Ryuko reasoned as she and Shinso showed each other their lots. Shinso gave a small smile when he saw both of theirs read G.

Ochaco peeked at Saya's lot and giggled, "Looks like you and I are a team Saya! Who'd you pair up with Rumi?"

"Captain Sparkles over here," Rumi sighed as she gestured toward Yuga who was making flashy poses with his cape beside the rabbit girl.

If it wasn't for her already pensive mood there was no doubt Saya would have been subtly stealing glances at Rumi. Her costume was a simple black sports bra and what appeared to be modified running shorts paired with bracers on her arms and legs. Rumi's wheat colored skin was without a single blemish but the toned lean muscle across her body gave her the look of a professional athlete. It was obvious how much hard work she had put in to maximize her speed and strength without sacrificing mobility and flexibility.

Ryuko's hero costume was more reserved but still eye catching nonetheless. She wore a dark red chinese dress with slits running from her waist to just above her ankle. The dress was embroidered with gold trimming with a chinese dragon along along the middle of her back. Ryuko's most recognizable part of her costume wad the headband that took the place of her usual bangs that covered her right eye. It was a grey piece in the shape of a dragon claw that hid her eyes from the world but she could still somehow see from it. Without a doubt Shinso had a new appreciation for chinese dresses.

Shinso's hero costume was a mixture of Hizashi's and Aizawa's. He had the same tracksuit pants and capture scarf as his father but instead of the normal jacket he wore a faux leather jacket the prioritized flexibility in the materials. He wore a black mask with various metal rods and small screw like knobs that made it seem like a jagged mess of teeth positioned into a malevolent grin. Saya had been the one to design the mask and teach him how to use it. It took Shinso a few months to get used to quickly using the knobs to change the height and depth of the rods to create different voices with the mask but now he could do it even in combat. If he was being completely honest all he needed were Saya's mask, his Dad's capture scarf, and his Papa's leather jacket to complete his costume; Shinso simple chose the tracksuit for its comfort.

Among the most eye catching of the student's hero costume Ochaco's was most likely either the top or in the top three since hers was a skin tight body suit that hugged her ample assets and curves. It had a futuristic design inspired by the astronaut hero Thirteen most notably in the helmet. She was currently uncomfotable with the stares she was recieving from a certain electric quirk user in the class but was doing her best to ignore it.

"All right everyone now that we've drawn lots pair up and let's see who gets the first battle!" All Might's booming voice brought everyone back to the lesson at hand. "Up first we have teams A and D, please step up!"

Saya's mood only worsened when she saw that she and Ochaco were paired up against. Bakugo's face turned into a feral grin once she saw her targets. The leader of the Fenrir Branch who if the rumors were true had strength equal to the third year students. If she could beat her than it would cement Katsumi's place as the best among not only the first year students but perhaps the whole school. On the opposite hand Ida and the rest of the class were looking forward to witnessing Saya in action as someone chosen to be a staff member and bearing the status of a full fledged hero despite being so young. Ochaco was a bit nervous since she had only seen Saya's quirk once and it was during the entrance exam and she had Death Scythe with her as well. But there was something that bothered Ochaco regarding Saya's quirk, she had introduced it as Enhancement and it sent her body into overdrive at the expense of her own life force which is why she said it was dangerous to use. Even more so around others since being in close proximity could drain the life force of others. If so then how much life force did Saya consume during the entrance exam?

"Team A will be the Heroes and Team D will be the Villains! The Villains will have five minutes to hide the bomb before the Heroes may enter the building!"

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang