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Katsumi Bakugo was not normally one to be nervous or anxious when awaiting the results of pretty much anything however this was one of the few exceptions. She had confidence that her scores were somewhere in the top five at least but after what happened at the U.A. Entrance Exams she was currently unsure of her own abilities and strength. The hobo looking extra and the weird bird head extra had saved her multiple times from what would have been certain to be injuries that would have landed her in the hospital for a week or two. Then there was whatever or whoever caused that huge amount of damage across the other fake cities as well. After asking All Might Katsumi had found out that it wasn't just her city that had recieved the tail end of the attack but all four of the cities where the practical exams were taking place. Whomever the attack originated from had destoryed three of the Zero Pointers while someone else had taken down the last one. With her new power Katsumi was sure that she could take down at least one of those titans using her full power but to take down three wasn't even in the question for her yet. She hated to admit it but she felt weak, she felt useless.

Katsumi felt like a Deku.

"Hey brat your damn letter came!"

Her mother called from downstairs notifying the explosive girl that her acceptance letter had arrived. But as she descend the stairs she grew more irritated with each step. She was supposed to be the strongest no one else. She had even been chosen by All Might himself to be the next symbol of peace. Katsumi had even been given the very quirk the Number One Hero used himself. In combonation with her own quirk she was unstoppable, All Might said so himself! So why did she feel this way?

"Katsumi are you alright?"

At the sound of her mother calling her name Katsumi looked up to see the worried faces of her mother and father. She hated that look of worry and concern the same look that people always gave that useless Deku whenever she tried to do anything. That look of pity in their eyes irked the ash-blond. She didn't need their pity she wasn't some useless extra who couldn't defend herself. She wasn't some kid pretending that she could be a hero no matter what.

Katsumi was not a Deku.

"Tch, I'm fine old hag just give me the damn letter."

Mitsuki could see the conflict in her daughter's eyes but chose not to push it. Ever since Izumi had gone missing it had been this way with Katsumi. She was always on edge now with none of her usual confidence or arrogance giving way to her aggression. It was as if she was afraid of something. Nervous or under some kind of pressure too since Mitsuki would often catch her daughter cursing under her breath about inheriting some kind of mantle. Perhaps to everyone else she was the same old Katsumi with her ever arrogant smile and boastful nature but something just felt off to it now. Instead of actively telling everyone how great she was it was like she was seeking to prove it in some way. All Mitsuki could do was sigh as she watched her daughter walk upstairs and hope that perhaps she would confide in her own mother one day.


"Young Bakugo you did extremely well in both the written and practical exams! You placed third in the written exam and second in the practical with a total of 119 points, just 15 points behind Saya Inari!"

Katsumi clenched her fist as she watched All Might congratulate her on the holographic projector. She was supposed to be first no one else. She hated that feeling of simply following whoever was at the top.

"Kacchan are you alright?"

"Damnit!" Katsumi smashed the miniature projector and tossed it into the trashcan beside her desk. She sighed as she opened the written letter that had a bunch of the finer details when it came to the finalization of the enrollment process.


Katsumi stared at the bold characters at the top of the last page that indicated her class number. As far as she knew there were two hero course classes at U.A. so it would have been 1-A and 1-B. With almost a hundred percent certainty that Saya extra All Might had mentioned would be in 1-A as well since by Katsumi's standards that is where all the top students would be placed. It was the perfect chance for her to show everyone she was the best of the best. To show that damn memory that she didn't need any help or pity.

"You're freaking gone already so leave me the hell alone!"

Whether her mental barrage was aimed at the image of a small emerald eyed girl with her hand outstretched in the small ditch or the image of a weak girl whose unruly green hair hid the tears in her eyes was something only Katsumi knew.

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Where stories live. Discover now