Entrance Exams V

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Saya sighed as she watched the blue haired boy from the auditorium approach Ochako and herself. It had barely been a few minutes since Group A had arrived to the fake city and had begun to wait for the gates to open. Present Mic had come as the proctor for the exam and was going over a few reminders before beginning the exam. During that time Saya had opened the bus's external storage compartment and pulled out a metal case that had her named engraved on it. While checking its contents she pulled out a large black rectangle that had a strap attached to it by two clips.

"Excuse me I believe we weren't allowed to bring our own gear and support items," he made the same hand chopping motion as he did inside the auditorium.

Saya wanted to ignore him but felt that he probably wouldn't go away until she offered some sort of explanation, "When you filled out the U.A. Application and Waiver an addition document was included that you could fill out to request the use of gear or support items that would be provided by U.A. for the practical exam."

"Regardless it is unbecoming of someone of the hero course so I suggest you turn it into Present Mic before we begin!" The blue haired boy grunted.

"Many heroes rely on gear or support items and some even need them in order to effectively do hero work," despite her monotone voice and expressionless face Saya's irritation was clear in her choice of words. "Take Manual the Normal Hero for example, he needs support items to gather water for his Hydrokenisis to be usable. Or Snipe, he uses his twin revolvers as his primary source of offense. Even though he could easily just use any type of projectile it wouldn't be very effective against a villain as his guns are. As heroes it is our job to have every advantage we can have to do our jobs and keep people safe. Therefore your logic is flawed."

"Alright Little Listeners get ready the exam will be starting soon!" Present Mic announced as Saya walked away from the boy.

"So what is that thing you got permission to bring?" Ochako asked while trying to shake away her nervousness.

Saya patted the brunette on the back as a small sign of encouragement, "My training gear since I'm not allowed to use my quirk with people around. Anyways once the gates begin to open rush in as fast as you can Chako."

"Huh? Shouldn't we wait for Present Mic to give us the go ahead?" In any normal situation Ochako would have been correct.

Saya slung the black rectangle onto her back and held the strap to keep it in place, "This is U.A. Chako, the entrance exams are to see what kind of people we are and what kind of heroes we aspire to be. In a city overrun by 'villains' there are no signals to start."

Before Ochako could utter a retort she was grabbed by Saya and practically dragged into the fake city while the other participants just stood there with dumbfounded expressions.

"What are you kids waiting for? Follow that Little Listener! There are no start signs in a real emergency!"

At Present Mic's shouting the rest of Group A took off into the fake city however they had lost a precious thirty seconds that would no doubt cost them points. A certain blue haired teen grimanced when he ran through the doors only to be met with the sight of the small girl he had been reprimanding minutes before standing in the middle of a few destroyed robots. She turned toward him and they locked eyes for a few moments before she dashed off further into the city, no doubt to continue her hunt.


"I really hope I don't get in trouble for this," Ochako sighed as she released her hold on another batch of robots that crashed into the ground and stopped moving. She was currently conflicted as to her current position in the exam since there was no doubt she was at least a few points ahead of most of the other participants. Saya had dragged her in and threw her in the middle of a group of robots much to the brunette's dismay. Even worse was that Ochako managed to lose Saya in the few seconds that she spent destroying the initial horde of robots. Pushing those worries out of her mind Ochako reforcused herself and began to search for more robots.

Out of all the participants that were in Group A there were several that were doing extremely well. A seemingly floating set of clothes that was using the robots to destroy themselves. A boy that was shooting what looked like tape out of his elbows using traps made from his quirk to gain points. A pink skinned girl that was shooting grey acid out of her palms to melt down any approaching robots. The annoying blue haired boy had pipes sticking out of his legs and was using his superior speed to take down the robots. Ochako was also among the top participants taking out groups of enemies with ease.

Saya put away her notebook labeled: "Observations" that somehow fit into her pocket. Her Dad swore the both she and The Rat (Nezu) somehow had a second quirk that allowed them to pull out and put away notebooks and tea respectively from a hidden pocket dimension. She had already met the requirements for entering the hero course which was 60 points minimum and was currently taking note of the ones who had passed. Saya was currently speculating which students would be divided between her Dad's and Uncle Kan's class as she observed everyone from the highest rooftop in the city. Aizawa prefered those that showed the most potential to grow and made themselves stand out above the rest. Kan prefered students who showed a "fighting spirit" or were determined to grow stronger for the sake of others.

"Right on time."

A rumbling sound filled the fake city as the ground began to shake and the remaining robots went back to their underground maintenance areas for the last minute of the test. Behind Saya a shadow was beginning to eclipse the afternoon sun as the Zero Point Robot began its rampage. If Saya was able to show her emotions her face would be contored in both disbelief and mild frustration. Instead of the usual military green Zero Point Robot that Saya was used to this one was a vibrant red color with large X's on its shoulder plates.

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