Entrance Exams III

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"It's the final minute," Shinso muttered as he felt the sudden rumbling beneath his feet. He quickly disposed of the single point robot that was trapped in his capture scarf and made his way to the top of the nearest building.

In the distance the hulking figure of the Zero Point robot rose over the cityscape. They were so large that Shinso could even see the heads of the other Zero Point robots that had been released in the other cities. Massive robots with treads that took up entire streets and metal bodies that made them seem like mobile fortresses. They had two mechanical arms that were crushing the building surrounding them into nothing more than piles of concrete and glass. From what Shinso could see they were fairly slow but still fast enough to cross over from one side of the city to the other in a few minutes.

"No wonder it was listed as an obstacle over an actual enemy."

"Finally something worth taking down!"

Shinso looked down to see Katsumi stepping over a pile of smoking scrap that was once a group of smaller robots. She had the look of a starving predator targeting its prey and it didn't sit well with the sleep deprived teen. Even a certain rabbit girl the siblings had recently become close friends with wasn't as aggressive as the explosive teen. A shiver ran down Shinso's spine as he watched Katsumi run off towards the Zero Point robot. With a sigh he chased after her across the rooftops as the other participants ran in the other direction.

"Let's see how you like this!" Katsumi pulled back her fist as crimson electricity seemed to spark off her arm. The sensation of power building in her arm felt as if it was on fire and about to explode at the same time however before anything could come of it she was yanked away by a white cloth. "Hey what the-"

Before Katsumi could finish her sentence the gigantic metal hand of the Zero Pointer smashed down where she once stood sending her flying backward. The force of the blow left a crater the size of a full grown man in the street but the assult wasn't over yet. The Zero Pointer reeled its other arm back for another devastating punch towards where Katsumi was struggling to stand. But before the fist came crashing down she was once more yanked away by the same white cloth. Looking towards the source it wad the same purple haired boy before but with an irritated expression and a shallow cut on his forhead that was letting out a surprising amount of blood.

"Look out!"

Both teens turned toward the voice to see a black cloak with a bird head sticking out from it. If it weren't for the current situation there was no doubt in Shinso's mind that he would have immeaditely ran to grab his sister. But that single moment of gawking was a mistake that the teens would pay the price for once they heard the mechanical whirling of the robot's fist coming down upon them. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the fist came down like a meteor. Shinso felt his body tense up as he tried to drag Katsumi who was still on the ground.

"Damnit I won't make it in time!"

The sound of glass shattering rang out across the fake cities followed by an unnatural silence. Then the soft rining of metal resonating filled all the participant's ears before the very ground they stood on was cleaved in half. Shinso and Katsumi were both too stunned to move as the stared with open mouths at the cut line that was centimeters away from them.

"Guys it's coming down!" The bird head shouted as it waved wildly at the two teens to high-tail it out of danger.

The groaning of collapsing metal altered Shinso and Katsumi as to what the bird head was warning them of. The Zero Pointer had been cleaved in half and without any support was beginning to fall. Without hesitating Shinso yanked the blond to her feet and began dragging her as fast as he could toward where the bird head was. Suddenly another bird head that seemed to be made of shadows revealed itself from underneath the cloak and rushed towards the teens.

"Pull them to safety Dark Shadow!"

With little more then seconds to spare Shinso threw Katsumi towards the shadowy bird's open arms and dove toward the other bird head. As soon as the shadowy bird had Katsumi in its arms it begannto retract back into the cloak but not before grabbing onto Shinso scarf and dragging him back with them.


Shinso could barely make out someone speaking to him as the ringing in his ears subsided. However the darkness eating at the corners of his eyes kept his vision blurry.

"Damnit Saya Dad and Papa are going to ground us now," was all the sleep deprived teen managed to mutter before promptly falling unconscious.

Death and Her Rabbit (FemDeku x Mirko) [Rewrie in Progress]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt