A Decision

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Shinso sat silently watching the girl who he was told was named Saya scribble away in a notebook at blinding speeds. It was slightly amusing to watch someone become so invested into something that he himself considered rather mundane. Earlier that morning he had been dropped off by his parents who were going to attend the emergency staff meeting Nezu had called the night prior. From the heated whispers between his parents Shinso could tell something was hapoening but he had been kept out of the loop, the only real information he had was to befriend Saya.

"So.... what are you writing in there?" Shinso let his curiosity get the better of him and finally spoke to the girl. "It looks like you've been doing that since before I got here."

"Hero and Villain analysis, it's a hobby and it helps me to process things," Saya's voice was monotone and it reminded the boy of his rather disheveled father. But unlike his father it was icy and emotionless not from lack of sleep. "I've been making them since I was little but I think it's time I remade some of the older ones with updated information. Although I can read the crayon scribbles I figured it would be better to remake them while I'm here since I can't exactly leave."

"So you write down stuff like their Quirks and special moves and stuff?" Shinso tried to peek at what was being written however it only a blur as Saya rapid wrote some information the went to the next page.

Saya paused for a moment before continuing on, "Quirks and theories about how the quirk functions. Possibilities on how to improve and counter a ceetain quirk. Specific habits and fighting styles. Support gear used and possible support gear that would be beneficial. Special moves and how to either improve or counter them. It's not perfect but gathering information like this is what gave me hope that I could be a hero."

"That's actually really cool, a bit niche but really cool regardless," Shinso replied after a moment of silence.

"You don't think it's weird or anything?" Saya looked up at Shinso and although her face remained stoic the sleep deprived boy could see the faintest glimmer of hope within her eyes.

Shinso chuckled, "It's not weird at all! My Dad always emphasizes on analyzing and understanding your opponents. Knowing their quirks and the way they approach certain situations can help you plan in advance."

"I see," Saya looked back down and continued writing but Shinso didn't miss the happy look in her eyes.

"She may not show it but her eyes give her away just like Dad," Shinso smiled.

Saya suddenly look up and flipped to a new page, "Shinso right? What's your quirk?"

"Shinso, Shinso Hitoshi and my quirk is Brainwash," the insomniac held out his hand but was surprised when Saya flinched at the movement.

After a moment she realized he was only asking for a handshake, "Saya Inari, so how does your quirk work Shinso?"


"I understand that due to the nature of Inari's case taking her on as an adopted daughter may not be the best situation for your family. So I wanted to formally apologize for pushing that onto you last night," Nezu said as he offered the polar opposites couple tea to which they politely declined.

Aizawa was suspicious of the sudden apology but accepted it nonetheless now that the staff meeting was over and they were in the privacy of Nezu's office. "So what does having her on staff have to do with us?"

"I'm sure you understand from the file that Inari has had a rather rough life however I wish to go a bit more in-depth with you now that Izumi Midoriya has been officially reported missing as of this morning," Nezu revealed a police report that he had somehow managed to obtain.

Izumi Midoriya, 15 years of age, registered as Quirkless, and orphaned when she was 10 in an incident involving All Might and an unknown Villain. Later taken in by the Bakugo family but was allowed to live in her old apartment when she was 13 at her own request. Several allegations of quirk discrimination, bullying, and harassment were documented during her time in elementary school however it all seemed to stop once she entered middle school. Although if the school's infirmary reports and surveillance footage were to go by it only worsened throughout the years. She had applied to U.A. for the hero course with outstanding grades and the mandatory "Why do you wish to be a Hero" essay had some rather interesting points to it. The day prior to her disappearence she was involved in an act of vigilantism while saving a classmate from a Villain who had escaped All Might and had taken a hostage. She was released after being reprimanded by the heros on sight and was not seen afterwards. The one who reported her disappearence was her caretaker Mitsuki Bakugo who had went over to check her apartment after not being able to reach Izumi the night before or the morning of.

"But what does All Might have to do with any of this aside from the incident with her mother?" Yamada asked with a cocked brow.

Nezu sighed, "All Might was the last person to see Izumi before she disappeared. Now I must warn you what I'm about to show you will not sit well. As much as you will want to do something afterward that decision will be left to Saya and no one else."

Nezu wiggled his computer monitor around to show the couple the grainy surveillance footage on top of a building that appeared to be in the middle of renovations. Two people stood facing each other; the first was the imposing figure of All Might in his signature stance and the other a small girl green hair tied up in a messy pony tail and emerald eyes. The most noticable thing about her was the way she carried herself. Shoulders hunched inwards, her head downward, and her eyes that could never seem to make contact with the person in front of her.

"Can a quirkless person like me become a hero?"

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