(41) Arabella - Arctic Monkeys

Start from the beginning

"I was just walking around till I saw you." Kyojuro scoffed, taking off his overcoat and place it on the boy's head, covering his eyes, "Be grateful I came to you despite leaving you freezing to death out here."

The boy pulled the coat out of his head, placing it around him. The boy sink into the coat, instantly feeling warmth around his body.

"I'm Kyojuro." Kyojuro introduced, not knowing why he did it.

The boy gave a look of suspicion, then facing the front, "Itadori... Itadori Yuji."    

"Why are you crying?" Kyojuro grabbed Itadori by the cheeks, pulling his face so that he could get a good look at the swollen eyes, "Why?"

"Cause I'm sad." Itadori huffed once again, water briming his eyes as he looked away.

"That's no good reason to cry." Kyojuro let go of Itadori's cheeks, facing forward.

"What do you mean? Have you even cried before? I bet not."

Kyojuro face the boy with an offended look, then relaxing his muscles, "Actually, I did." Kyojuro muttered.

"What?" Itadori gave a shock look.

"When I was younger...I never actually understood feelings or how stuffs actually affect anyone but now that I see it...Feelings sucks. I usually able to control things easily but somehow I can't when it comes to feelings."

"Why did you cry?" Itadori asked in a softer tone.

"Because...My mom...Isn't who she remember she is. She got a whole new family and she seem happy." Kyojuro took in a deep breath, really not wanting to cry in front of a kid, "She seem happier than when she's with me..."

"That must suck..." Itadori said, "I don't know my parents so my grandfather is taking care of me...I just got a fight with him and I run away so...I-I just don't know what to do now..."  

Itadori sniffled as he wiped his tears, looking down as Kyojuro looked at him in care and pity.

"You should go home to him then." Kyojuro said as Itadori looked up at him, "I don't even know if anyone's waiting for me back at home. You know, all my family members never wanted to take care of me so your grandfather really love you even if you don't know."


"Yeah." Kyojuro gave a small smile, "He does."

The boy smiled a little, "Do you want to play with me with the swings? We could take turns pushing each other."

"I don't know how to play."

"What? Have you even been to a playground before when you were younger? It's like a normal part of your childhood to play at the playground."

"Well, let's just say I don't have a normal one." Kyojuro sigh, "Hegari, my father, never let me play the playground. He said that they were useless and means nothing but just a waste of time."

"How could he!" Itadori gave an angry look, then got off the swing the walked towards Kyojuro's back, "Alright, just don't let your leg touch the ground, hold onto the chains tight. I'll push you."

"Yeah, right." Kyojuro scoffed, not wondering how a little kid could push someone like him.

Taking a deep breath, Itadori used all his strength and push Kyojuro, making him fly up.

Kyojuro eyes widen.

How could a little kid like him have such inhuman strength?  

"Ani." Satoru's eyes widen as soon as he saw his older brother walking towards the house, "You're here!" 

"Why are you like that?" Kyojuro gave a suspicious look and walked towards the living room and sat beside Satoru.

Satoru looked frighten and that isn't a look you get to see. He looked around, seeing if anyone was around them then face his brother, "Look, we have to get out of here."

"What?" Kyojuro scoffed, "Why?"

"I-I don't but something's wrong with the place. I can't explain it but it's wrong." Satoru looked very stress and kept looking left and right, "I don't think we can trust Hana."

"She's my mom." Kyojuro whispered-shouted.

"She left you for some unknown reason, remember?"

"Well, she's sorry. She apologized to me and gave me a reason why she left. I think that's more than enough."

"It's just an apology." Satoru scoffed, "Who said she won't betray you in the end."

"Why would she even betray me?"

"Cause she's Trigon's wife."

"Oh," Kyojuro pause, glaring at Satoru, "So you're not okay with demons? Do even trust Hana or do you just don't trust demons?"

"What? No. I don't trust Hana. I also don't trust Trigon. Why would he come for you? If it's because you're the first half human and demon he could easily kill you when you were a baby so why now?"

"How the hell would I know?"

"Exactly. So let's leave the place before anyone does harm. Hana can't come."

Kyojuro gave a hesitate look, "Fine. I trust you. We'll leave in the morning."     

Kyojuro didn't seem to be able to sleep, like at all. He kept flipping and turning around his bed as his eyes just can't seem to close fully.

Sitting up from his bed, he scratched his messy bed hair and lay back on the bed.

Was Georgia okay?   

Will Hana actually betray him for some reason?

Would be everyone be okay?

How was Itadori?

Why was he even thinking about him?

Kyojuro looked over at his jacket, remembering that he gave the young kid his overcoat which was his only one.

How smart.

Suddenly, Hana burst through the door as Kyojuro's eyes widen, sitting up from his bed. Hana looked like she was in a state of panic as she struggled to breathe.

"Mom?" Kyojuro got off the bed and walked towards her as he put on his jacket, "What's wrong-Hey, breathe."

Kyojuro tried to come her down but Hana opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. The only word she manage to cough out was, 

"Satoru's injured."  

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