V2 Chapter 22 - Progression to Improvements (Volume 2 Epilogue)

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A few hours after reviving Delirious in the manner that Marcel had planned, thanks to the help of his friends and Connor, the members of Team 6 decide that it would be best that they head on their way. Connor managed to call some people from Verdonia, mainly Sykkuno to assist in bringing in Shien Kageyama back into their jurisdiction. Connor did pay them a high sum in return, mainly being within the thousands within this world's currency. 

They three of them, since Delirious is still out cold for the time being, decide to travel back to the Sakura Shrine as a stop point so they could recollect themselves and come up with a plan. When they arrived there, Marcel did all the talking, mainly to Miko about the events that transpired. Miko understood this at least, allowing Delirious to be taken care of under Mio's watch while they could rest here to figure out their next course of action. 

Marcel on the other hand, decided to meditate by the lake again, only to somehow enter the Warden's prison again, though this would seem to be easier since he is her champion. When he opened his eyes, he was in the same place yet again, with the Warden sitting on her throne.

Kronii: "I see you have come to talk to me personally?"

Basically: "Indeed I have. There are two things that I need to understand. I was hoping that you could answer them since I don't know everything."

Kronii: "If it is the knowledge you seek, I shall do my best to answer. Though I have seen the events that transpired through your eyes."

Marcel breathed in and out slowly, then beginning his first question.

Basically: "I need to know, the Gem of Immortality. What is it really? It allowed us to bypass any normal Necromancy terms."

Kronii: "For you see, when I was still within that world, there was a mage who served under one of the other deities that focused on creating magical artefacts. He was a beloved person, though he perished within the Great War's Middle Phase. That is as far as I knew. I never met him personally."

Basically: "Right.. But what do you know of the gem itself?"

Kronii: "The Gem of Immortality, which is what you mortals called it, works as a power source. Though it was imbued with the Guardian of Civilization's power within. Not much is known about it besides the times that mages who are above the A- Ranks are able to use it. Though I have seen what you have done with it, bringing back your friend from the dead. It is quite unique I will say."

Basically: "What does that even mean?"

Kronii: "I don't know the side effects or the consequences of fusing that gem into him, but I can tell that he has become something extraordinary. An Undead who can possibly never perish again. I am interested to see how this will go."

Basically: "I suppose so. But now for the second. What does it even mean to be your champion? The power I used against Shien Kageyama was not ordinary magic."

Kronii: "And you are correct. To be a champion to a deity means that you are able to wield a portion of the deity's power. The magic you used, known by mortals as Chrono Magic, is one partially from me. You were able to use it due to the situation you were in, yet your body can't handle it just yet. Your body didn't collapse instantaneously because you have a portion of my core power running through you. So if you can't improve soon, there will be problems further on."

Basically: "What problems are you talking about?"

Kronii: "The Blood Moon."

Basically: "Blood Moon..?"

Kronii: "An Event that occurs every couple of years in mortal lifespans. It first appeared during the Great War due to the Deity of the Moon. It causes a fracture between the Mortal Plain and the Afterlife, causing Undead to rise from the ground as nothing but empty husks. Though Necromancers can take advantage to this. And there is one out there, which she needs to be taken out as soon as possible before things get out of hand."

Team 6 Isekai - Holo-Verse of MadnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon