V2 Chapter 20 - Dancing Shadows

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Evan and Shien stared each other down. Awaiting for the other to strike, though Shien was slowly losing his patience as he begun to strike first. As his claw went directly for Evan's head, Evan dodged in a shadow form of his own as he swung his blade to strike at his head in return. Yet even though Shien was able to dodge the attack, he ended up with a small cut on his left cheek, surprising him. 

Shien then continued his assault, attempting to strike his opponent down, though Evan was keeping up with him. Evan was using Shien's own technique against him, trying to out smart him to many degrees. They were both on equal grounds, even if Shien is stronger, Evan was faster. They kept countering each other constantly, preventing each other from landing a lethal strike. 

Marcel watched on, knowing that the visions he saw was true after all. Making him realize that this power that the Warden has, allowed him to see glimpses into the future, meaning that the magic he used as well a bit earlier must have belonged to her as well. He wondered if this was what it meant to be a champion to a deity. But he was more focused on the fight, watching every move carefully to see who was getting the upper hand on the other.

Though to his surprise, they were both on equal footing, not letting the other gain the advantage. They were exact counters to each other. While Shien aimed for lethal blows the whole time, Evan focused on just countering everything he had so he could possibly strike back. 

Anya at this point managed to reach Tyler, helping him relax himself a bit. Though as the two watched on, Anya realized something.

Anya: "Master Wine, what exactly is Evan Fong's power?"

Wildcat: "It is to copy one's power. He is able to replicate, though not perfectly, he could adapt it into what he wants to do with it. It seems like the fucker actually managed to adapt that bastard's power and turned the tables.. Fucking A Evan.."

Anya was watching on, though she could tell that Evan's time was limited. She could see little flickers of Evan's Mana Aura switching to his natural one, though it was fighting back against it to maintain the copy. 

Anya: "He doesn't have too much time on his hands. If he continues to stall, he will lose."

Tyler was well aware of this, but he kept his mouth shut since he thinks that Evan can handle this. Korone was just honestly confused as she was wide eyed.

Korone: "H-How is this possible..? He is replicating his shadows!?"

Fubuki: "His power is quite fascinating.."

Okayu woke up to see this duel go on, making her kind of smile.

Okayu: "This is interesting.."

Evan kept up the counters as Shien couldn't really land a single blow on him while Evan was landing subtle cuts on him, making him even more pissed off. Shien eventually backed off, huffing and puffing a bit, showing he is actually being fatigued.

Shien: "Damn you... How is this possible..?"

Vanoss: "Well I guess you wouldn't figure it out immediately pal. But I will make is simple for ya. I copied your Mana Aura so I can do exactly what you're doing with you Aura. So we are on equal terms. So no matter what you do, we will not get anywhere."

Shien gritted his teeth, knowing that his stamina is draining quite quickly since he had been fighting for a little while when he usually makes fights quick. But Evan may be keeping up a smug expression, he knows that he doesn't have too much time either because the moment his body gives up on the replicated Mana Aura, he won't be able to fight anymore.

Shien: "You may be right, but I guess I have no choice but to throw my trump card out now.."

Evan knew exactly what that means, so he readied himself for whatever he might do. Shien's Mana Aura then began to spike a bit in like a black wildfire as his Aura started to flow over into his hands and flow around his arms. But while doing this, he took his coat off. His arms and hands then was covered in black flames, which makes Evan sweat a little, unsure on what this could be. Marcel realized what this might be, making him shout to Evan in worry.

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