V2 Chapter 16 - Visions of the Future

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Marcel was resting on the lake, sitting with his legs crossed. Though it was surprising to him at first, Miko explained that in order to succeed on walking on the lake, one must have a calm mind, imagining one moving along like a flowing river. He managed to get this on his third try, hence him being able to sit on it right now. He began to meditate, keeping his eyes closed. 

He could feel a strange presence from the lake, seeping directly into him. As it slowly does, he started to have visions that seems to possibly tell the future that is to come. Though from most of these, he could tell that it isn't directly his future, but the future of some events that will appear in the near future.

The first vision was of Evan exploring some sort of ruins on his own, scouting the place out. Though Evan looked like he was lost and worried, yet he walked into some odd room that had two giant statues. One had a shield while the other had a sword, symbolizing the defence and the offense. Evan then would see a coffin of sorts, but before he could even walk forward, Marcel's vision cuts to another vision.

The second vision was of Nogla fighting alongside the Knight Captain as they fought off the hordes of the Undead within what he could imagine to be the Beastman Capital which they haven't been to yet.

The third vision was of Brian facing off against someone he didn't expect to see, Jack. Though alongside Brian was mostly someone else who had dragon-like features and has purple hair. Brian knows her as Selen Tatsuki.

The fourth vision was seeing himself looking at the moon, which had a bright crimson red colour tint to it. It kind of reminded him of blood to some degree, but he couldn't put his finger on it. But he does see himself looking back in front of himself to see the one person he met not too long ago, Rushia. She had some sort of protection, being that of the top half of a giant skeletal monstrosity. 

The final vision was the most devastating of the lot, seeing himself tending to Delirious' fatal wounds, which he could tell that he wasn't succeeding. Tyler lost control and was facing this opponent head on, though he couldn't recognize the person Tyler was fighting. Evan was focused on another person. But before he could see any further, a bright light blinded him, forcing him to close and protect his eyes. 

Yet when he opened them again, he was in what felt like another plain of existence. He could tell that this place was some form of palace, which seemed to be a wreck. The roof was technically none existent, showing the sky above him. It was a strange blend of dark and light blue, yet he could hear the faint sounds of what he could describe of a clock ticking. If there was one thing he would describe this open wreck of a room as, it is a throne room of sorts. So when he looked forward, he could see a throne, but someone was sitting on it.

???: "I'm impressed that a mortal was the first ever being to get in here."

Marcel could feel the individual's presence, making him sweat bullets. Her presence was overwhelming and so different in comparison to what he experienced a while ago. He remembered the fight against the Priestess, which didn't end in his favour, but this person's aura is different. Like as if more.. godly..

Basically: "Who are you..? And how did I get here..? I could have sworn that I was mainly meditating.."

???: "How you got in here is of a mystery to myself. But since you asked politely about me, I guess I should kindly introduce myself. You may refer to me as.. The Warden of Time."


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