Chapter 4 - First Dungeon Run

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Team 6 woke up as their usual selves, preparing and having breakfast, but with Regis and Axel joining this time round. Though the two TEMPUS Guild members came up with a plan to give Team 6 a test drive to see if they have taken in everything they have learnt through a couple of days.

Regis: "So, how about we go on a little adventure today?"

Delirious: "Adventure?"

Axel: "We thought about it and we think you all could need a little test drive to see if you have all learnt what we managed to teach."

Vanoss just nods agreeing with the idea while eating at the same time.

Terroriser: "You know, maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea. We can test out what we got at the moment.."

Wildcat: "So what, we about to kill some fucking wildlife?"

Regis: "Well no, actually we are going on a Dungeon Run."

Basically: "Dungeon Run?"

Axel: "We end up raiding a dungeon that is nearby. Every time some Knights end up stumbling upon some ruins, they prefer sending in adventurers to explore the place instead of them. To at least keep up their numbers for protection purposes."

Wildcat: "They sound like a group of pussies to me..."

Regis: "Say what you will about them. They at least were able to keep Elysium safe. People prefer to be here instead of out there in the wilderness."

Delirious: "So, what are we waiting for!?"

Nogla: "Woah Delirious.. We need to finish eating first."

Delirious blinked a few times, realizing the predicament.

Delirious: "Oh.."

The rest of Team 6 laugh at this moment, lightening the atmosphere of the Guild Hall around them. Regis and Axel could tell that they have a form of strong bond, though they hope that it will at least last while they are on the Dungeon Run.

Once they finished eating, they headed outside Elysium on foot. Since the ruins wasn't so far away, they took about 20 minutes to get there. At the entrance of the ruins stood a group of Knights. They set up a camp to stay around to make sure it was protected from any Tomb Robbers or anyone who would wonder inside like a moron, that is what Terroriser could gather anyways. 

???: "Halt. State your business."

Regis: "I am here for the Dungeon Run. It was request from the Knight Captain."

???: "Understood, right this way."

The Knight that stood on guard then lead them through the camp.

Nogla: "Is it really that easy...?"

Axel: "Why yes it is. That is the perks of an adventurer."

Basically: "As easy as it sounds... I think it is-"

Vanoss: "Awesome."

Basically: "Yes Evan, awesome."

They were then lead inside a large tent. They saw a group of Knights leaving it and there stood one woman who Terroriser assumed to be the Knight Captain.

 They saw a group of Knights leaving it and there stood one woman who Terroriser assumed to be the Knight Captain

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