V2 Chapter 7 - Beastman Royalty and Loyalty

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It was the next morning and Connor and the members of Team 6 was about to enter through the forest that they were warned about.

Vanoss: "Connor, you mentioned that their territory is split into two right?"

Connor: "Yeah, the side we are entering belongs to the Pavolias. I know her personally since she does the trade routes between Holodonia and Verdonia."

Vanoss: "So it is safer within the royal territory instead of the queen's?"

Connor: "In truth, their territories is the representation of their division. The Queen's side is mostly hateful towards humans while the Pavolia side respects humans and wouldn't mind integrating and mingling amongst them as well. But this division has sparked a conflict with the locals, but miss Pavolia is still loyal to the Queen of course."

Delirious: "Maintaining loyalty while dealing with the potential enemy? She is really brave on that one huh?"

Delirious says this while spinning his one dagger around in his hand.

Basically: "Say Delirious, when did you get daggers instead of your sword?"

Delirious: "Blondie thought that I would do better with two daggers instead of that sword. And I will say, it feels lighter and more flexible for me, so she's right."

Wildcat: "Well at least you found your favourites while I am stuck with a literal talking inanimate fucking object!"

Anya: "I am a legendary weapon master Wine."

Wildcat: "I do not care!"

The wagon travels through a fair portion of the forest until they arrive in front of a town with walls around it. Two guards stood guard at the main gate. Connor had no choice but to stop in front of the guards. 

Guard 1: "State your business human."

Connor: "I am here to see lady Pavolia. I am a friend of hers."

Guard 1: "We need verification on that claim."

Connor: "Of course good sir. Here you go."

He then hands him is identification that was forged from Verdonia, which seemed to be quite advanced. The guard nods and gives it back.

Guard 1: "Enjoy your stay Representative Colquhoun."

Connor: "Enjoy your duties as well guardsman."

They then moved on into the town, which seemed to be quite elegant and prosperous for a small town, but Connor knew this already anyways. The moment they came to a stop by the stables, the group got out of the wagon while Connor was adjusting the orders for his robotic horses. 

Delirious: "Look at this Tyler, I think we just found your hometown."

Delirious says this while looking around at the different types of beastmen that lived within this town. Some seemed to be relatively peaceful, but the guards remained on high alert with their white and blue armour colouration. 

Wildcat: "Shut the fuck up Delirious. That is just pure fucking racism and you know it."

Basically: "Relax Tyler, he was just making a joke."

Wildcat: "Yeah yeah... Anya, stay close to me will you?"

Anya: "Of course master Wine."

Vanoss: "Well gentlemen, we just need to follow Connor around for the day and we will possibly get a good night's rest."

Connor: "Well boys, follow me."

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