V2 Chapter 11 - Risking For a Friend

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When Brian and Kyo got back to Dezmond's place, Dezmond and Aia were waiting in the living room. 

Dezmond: "Ah good to see you back Brian. Where were you?"

Kyo: "I can answer that. He was busy eavesdropping someone when I got there."

Terroriser: "And here I thought you wouldn't rat me out.."

Dezmond: "And what was the reason behind this?"

Brian was looking at everyone else, trying to figure out if he should tell the truth. He first looked at Aia who was drinking some warm tea. Kyo and Dezmond were waiting in anticipation.

Terroriser: "In truth... You are aware of the new nobleman right?"

Dezmond: "Nobleman Anthony Brown? What about him?"

Terroriser: "The Generals believe that he has become a target for a possible hit."

Aia then spat out her drink while coughing. Kyo knew what this meant, since Aia tends to get in particular moods she can become a little panicky if things don't sound great, unless you know what you are doing.

Aia: "Like an assassination?"

Terroriser: "Yeah. It will most likely happen tonight at the King's Palace. I know how important it is to get my upgrades, but I need to go and save Anthony. I ain't going to abandon him to fucking die."

Dezmond was going to say something but Aia stood up walking towards Brian.

Aia: "So you won't allow me to help you upgrade your Mana Core?"

Terroriser: "No."

Aia then stood right in front of him, though Brian somehow felt a little scared of her somehow. He knows that technically he is weaker than her, but he feels like he has fighting experience in comparison to this one. 

Aia: "Very well. However if you are going to prevent it tonight, then accept this as a gift."

She then touched the centre of his chest where the Mana Core would be and her hand began to glow. 

Kyo: "You being serious right now Aia!? You only met this guy yesterday and you are trusting his every word!?"

Kyo understandably was really defensive in this regard, but Aia remained smiling, keeping her composure.

Aia: "I have heard from Dez about him. Sometimes you have to put your trust in those you don't know, especially when they have good intentions."

Kyo: "How can you be sure of that!? This guy has been wearing his sunglasses the whole time!"

Terroriser: "I can hear you blue haired mop."

Kyo wanted to say something but Dezmond held his shoulder.

Dezmond: "Listen to what Aia says Kyo Kaneko. She has more experience than you."

Kyo grits his teeth and just crosses his arms, sighing in defeat.

Kyo: "Fine, but I still find him suspicious."

Eventually the glow from Aia's hand stopped and dissipated, making her move her hand away.

Terroriser: "What exactly did that do..?"

Aia: "I have temporarily enhanced your Mana Core. Although you are still in the D Ranks, you will have the Mana Capacity of a B Rank. Even when you transform into that armour, you should be able to stay in it for fairly longer."

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