Chapter 6 - The Ranking System

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The next day after their Dungeon Run, they took their time to gather themselves. Wildcat specifically was a little pissed off that Brian got a very strong powerup by just pure luck and chance, though he doesn't show it. They were by the large Guild table having breakfast when Regis approached them, luckily most of them were almost done.

Regis: "Hey guys. How are you all feeling after that Dungeon Run?"

Vanoss: "It was fun, but intense."

Basically: "Complicated."

Nogla: "It was fun."

Wildcat: "Thrilling."

Delirious: "Exciting!"

Terroriser: "Enjoyable."

Regis: "That is all good to hear, but since you got the experience against an enemy more powerful than you, I might as well get straight to the point. There is someone I would like you to meet. He was the guy who knows how to explain a very important system that exists throughout our entire world."

Right on queue, someone entered through the front doors.

Dezmond Magni, the Artificer and the Alchemist of the TEMPUS Guild

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Dezmond Magni, the Artificer and the Alchemist of the TEMPUS Guild.

Dezmond: "A pleasure to meet you six. I am Magni Dezmond. The Artificer and Alchemist of this fine guild. I heard from my good friend here that you lot need some explanations."

Terroriser: "Well you're not wrong Dezmond."

Dezmond: "Well to put it simply, I heard it was mainly about the Ranks System. Which is mostly determined by the Mana Cores. The amount of Mana that is stored, the amount of Magic Output, I think you lot get that idea already. However the importance of it is determined by Ranks. You all are supposed to be amongst the lowest Ranks since you all just learnt how to use your Mana not too long ago. D- to D+ are considered the Rookies."

Basically: "So we are just simply beginners in your eyes?"

Dezmond: "You are correct Marcel, if that is your name correct?"

Basically: "Yes it is."

Dezmond: "However the next Rank, with is C- to C+ are considered to be individuals to have average control over their Mana. Which is where you all currently need to aim for if you want to protect yourselves against the most dangerous monsters and enemies out there. The next after that is B- to B+, which the four of us in this very guild is. We are able to manipulate our Mana to amazing degrees that is slightly beyond normal and use it in ways we want to, whether it being for combat or non combat usage, that is up to us. In truth, I am B-, Regis is B+, Axel is B+ and Vesper is B. But I have learnt from Regis here that someone named Brian obtained something..?"

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