Simple Questions

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Hey there, this isn't a chapter but I wanted to ask you particular questions. Though it may seem weird to ask, I just need to know since this is an entirely new world and a lot of world building along with the lore needs to be established since everything and everyone connects together.

First Question:

What Independent Vtubers do you want in this story?

This would help me set up their characters and will help me expand upon the world, allowing me to fit them into particular areas of the world and how they would integrate. Their lore will mostly be taken into account though, so pick wisely and tell me if you are able to.

Second Question:

Which Youtubers and Streamers would you like to see in this story?

This makes sense to me mainly because I have already included some Youtubers and Streamers into the mix like Connor (CDawgVA), Cartoonz, Ohmwrecker and there are still more to be added. It can be any Youtuber or Streamer, but however to integrate them in, I need to figure a clear understanding on why I should include them and give an example if possible so it can allow clarity. That would be my request.

Third Question:

Should the members of Team 6 get love interests?

It would be unclear if they will ever return back to their home world, however there will be some characters who would be interested in them. Sometimes the members could see them as like siblings, part of the Team's family, but there will be times where there might be crushes from the characters outside of Team 6. I needed to know your answers so I can clarify that one as well.

Fourth Question: 

Would you like a ranking system for the Mana system?

Though it would be unclear at the start since Volume 1 will not show how the ranking is, but it will only be shown in the Volume 2. Since the members of Team 6 need to learn how to control their Mana Cores to access their Magics, they will be on the lower end at the start. But as the story progresses, they will start to get more stronger, faster and smarter as they develop. Though also because of there being times in the story where it gets really serious, they might become a little more concerned and serious when learning, so sometimes there might be faster improvements. But in truth, I need to know if I should add a ranking system for the Mana system.

Those are all the questions, I hope you answer them accordingly and if you do, you will help a lot with the world building along with the lore. I thank you for your time as the next chapter will continue the story. Take care.

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