Chapter 11 - The Priestess and Victory

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Within the gardens by the entrance of the King's Castle, Ina had been using her tentacles mostly to try and restrain Vanoss and Delirious, but due to their Aura of Flowing Water, they were not being caught at all. Even though they are able to continuously dodge being grappled or being hit, they couldn't get close enough no matter how hard they tried. 

In comparison, the two were getting tired while it looked like Ina didn't break a sweat at all while standing still the whole fight. Eventually the two came to a stop to catch their breath while Ina watched on silently, awaiting for their next move.

Delirious: "Fuck man... This damned hoochie won't let us get near her..."

Vanoss: "True, but remember... We need a new plan, but I think I got one... Keep her distracted for me and just follow my lead, I think this will work.."

Delirious wanted to ask what Evan was getting at, but he just nodded and got ready to move. 

Ina: "You two planning right in front of me? Are you two stupid?"

Delirious then started charging towards Ina while she sighed and released her tentacles towards him. Delirious continued to dodge her tentacles, though there was multiple close calls. Sometimes he screamed like a crow when it was about to hit him, but he was successfully dodging them. Ina just finds this amusing that this idiot believes that he could even bother to try and get close to her, but she was mostly keeping a straight and bored expression. 

With Evan, his Mana Aura was constantly shifting and trying to change forms. He was trying to copy her Mana Aura to see if he could face her on an even playing field, but this was surprisingly very difficult for him to do. His eyes were closed while he was gritting his teeth to ensure that he doesn't distract himself to successfully pull it off.

With Delirious, he actually managed to get close to her, attempting a slash at her.

Delirious: "I got you now!"

As his slash was about to connect, one of the tentacles blocked the strike and sent him flying backwards but he recovered quickly rolling on the ground and flipped himself onto his feet.

Delirious: "Damn it..."

Ina: "You were close, but you are nowhere near my power human."

Delirious then charged forward again, but this time he had the intent to just bait out her attacks. He closed his eyes while running, listening really carefully to the sounds of the wind around himself. He could hear the faint sounds of the tentacles heading towards him, surrounding him like as if he was about to be crushed. He imagined what would happen if he was caught in between it all, a gruesome death...

But he knew that he wouldn't let this happen, so when he opened his eyes while still running towards her, he managed to dodge every single tentacle and since there was none to protect her now, he knew that she was open. She was a little surprised that he managed to get past that, but was still unfazed. He was about to slash into her again, but this time, she grabbed the blade with her one hand, surprising Delirious.

Delirious: "What the fuck...?"

He attempts to break free from the grip she had on the blade, but he was struggling to.

Ina: "You are but a D Ranked human, you're power is nothing compared to mine. I am giving you the option now, give up and your life will be spared."

Her voice and tone was unnerving and it sent chills down Delirious' spine. For once he was truly terrified of the foe in front of him. Ina then moved so fast that his Aura of Flowing Water couldn't help him in this situation. She landed a gut punch directly to his stomach, making him feel like he was about to throw up his breakfast he had in the morning. Once she let go of the blade, she kicked him away, landing next to Evan. Delirious was out for the count since he couldn't stand up anymore and Evan could tell by just turning his gaze towards him. 

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