Chaper 48, Wind Were Wilds

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Farsarah waits for Urpenny to get back on the chair, "Okay, Jicky. I need a listing of who gets what assigned and a chart of structure as I form it."

Jicky nods once, "How many dimensions and perceptions?"

Farsarah gives a big smile as she admits, "I've no guess."

Erray tells the pixie, "Do two D and just first percept for now. She can upgrade later."

Jicky hops over to the page piles and jumps up on one, "Ready, Grand Mother."

Farsarah returns her attention to the gathering, "Territory.
"I claim all kitchens as Motherly domain, I rule whatever kitchen I am in.

"Urshawn and Lamica divvy up the Were Province as they see fit. Within that Erray takes the territory he wants.

"Can you give us your current boundaries?"

Erray sasses, "What's a boundary?"

He snickers at her frown.
"My hole and Old Chap's barn site."

Farsarah fusses, "When will you be naming it?"

Erray points, "My first student did earlier.

"Wind Were Monastery.

"We have students, monks and hopefuls, the grouping of all are called Wilds."

Farsarah nods, "Good to know where the wilds are.

"Alright, I don't believe royalty can stand for even a thousand years.
"We are not going to even hang on it.

"We are in a council structure.
"At the top we have four goals, so four team leaders, with piece and spotter.

"Erray, you have Erjackson, Lamica keep an eye on him.

"Herpaul, you have Shadow, Lauriah keep track of them.

"Urshawn, you have the winning lorady, I will be on you like mud on a bad dog.

"I will take the high wizard and know Urshawn has my back."

Lauriah teases, "Back.

"Just wanted him to know where boundaries are."

He gets a good laugh from the room and a frown from Urshawn.

Farsarah shakes off her humor, "It's going to take sometime to give out assignments and collect Herpaul's guidance.

"I'll go over Erray's so everyone knows format, then I'll go once round the room assigning you to a department.
"It's not exclusive, just your main line of communication.

"Once Erray knows that, he can go start Seer reviews.

"We'll let two tables recess while I do the first, then call in one and get through everyone.

"Anyone who wants to stay and hear all assigments is welcome to.
"Jicky will be compiling a summary briefing and declaritive report. Copies available upon request.

"Any objections?"

Erray fusses, "Yes. Why do I have to get to work first?"

Farsarah complains, "Do you have a real objection?"

Erray reports, "I need Mayajap, Taben, Joey and Ersally to get started."

Farsarah nods, "We can do them with you.

"Ersally is just assigned to you anyway. I still don't see what she brings to the table, besides yummy treats."

Erray snickers, "She's the royal baker.
"She moves in sweet, spicy and yummy. Her special move is sass and your power move is busted corset."

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