Chapter 13, The Influencers

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Parmaria returns to her sitting room, "Lamica is going to ask your mother for coffee."

Erray wishes she'd taken longer, "Alright, here's my thinking. Please, debate and agure everything you want to, so it's not all me or my way."

The Lord and Lady agree and he starts, "I think, we should formally start an intelligence academy. I think Herpaul should be the formal head of it and design it's structure. Fully charted out for public knowledge and Urshawn's formal approval."

Herpaul considers, "I can. Sounds boring."

Erray smiles up at him, "That only depends on how you run it. I'll do the same with a monastery. Urshawn already said I needed to outline teaching the students questing to me."

He stops to gather his thoughts and Parmaria asks, softly, "What of me?"

Erray worries of her not liking it, so he suggests it with a different tone, "It's just, I think we should let you stay unknown as an academic.

"Publicly, build a library. We will all need the resource. I think you two should run the covert operations."

Parmaria questions, "Two? You already put him in the academy."

Erray shakes his head, "Not him, her."

Belle looks up, "Me? I'm not in this."

Erray debates, "Yes, you are and we need you. Both for the aid only a Seer can bring and so other Seers will believe they are welcome and wanted in the monastery, academy and covert operations. I won't do this without you."

Belle rubs her lips acrossed each other, pushing them in and out of her mouth fully.

Herpaul softly questions, "Is that a mad face on a Seer?"

Parmaria calmly tells him, "No, they turn green when mad. That's Belle trying to change his vibe. She can't when he's wearing his crown, but it helps her thinking to try."

Erray clears his throat, "Belle, I know to win the Age more is required than any other before it. I do not have the ego to think I have a thing to teach a Seer. I ask them all, everyone of them in every space of Aden, to come and teach me and mine. Please, help me learn the truths of Aden."

Belle stills, so much they can't be sure she didn't just turn to stone. Then in an instant, she is in the center of the table, eyes closed, on her knees, sitting on her feet.

She brings her hands together before her very slowly, but as they touch there is a clasp like thunder and a distortion wave goes out from her head.

The three crowns activate, but only translate her message, 'Seers of Aden, a human soul has asked we teach the truths of Aden. His name is in the now, Erray. He is Sage, bonded love to the Lorady known as Urshawn of the Were.
Meddling is expanshated to all Influencers. Time is absent in this Age as feared. I request the Iris seek the Sage.'

It all happens in an instant, the humans stumble a little as it passes through them.

When they regain themselves, Belle is back on her little table looking over her tools. "Sure, Erray. The Seers will play spy with you."

Parmaria grips the table as she pulls herself to sit in a chair, "Was that the beacon you mentioned?"

Belle nods, "Yeah."

She looks to Herpaul, "Would you say you are over seven foot or under?"

Herpaul blinks, "Four inches shy of seven foot."

Belle smiles brightly, "Thanks." Her attention goes back to her tools.

Parmaria looks at the table, "Every Seer, Lorady and anyone they've crowned heard that, same as we did. I imagine Urshawn is already looking for us."

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