Chapter 3, Night Wind

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Erray wanders back to his house from a long bath, checks on the new calf playing with the older one and finishes up the last bagging of his handsome crop of pot.
He is onto checking his house for wererat damage, when a strong wind picks up. He turns his face to it and closes his eyes.

He calms his breath and listens. It's a moment, before the images and understands begin to form in him. He stays still and learns of video games, then caramel popcorn, then the myths of dragons and as the wind fades, of tornado warning systems. He waits a little, but the wind has past.

Erray runs around to his porch and finds his mother with a frustrated look, "What's wrong? Did you listen to the wind?"

Farsarah rolls her eyes, "Yes, that's what's wrong. Dragons? Werelizards that fly. Please, tell me we don't have those?"

He excitedly wonders, "Not that I know of. Did you hear anything else?"

She shakes her head, "No, but I can still tell there was more I couldn't hear. Anything urgent?"

Erray laughs as he starts for the drop box, "The wind doesn't do urgent. It's all academic."

His mother waits for him to bring her the two pieces of silver. She worries, "Not much. We best hope Barade and Lauriah come by soon. I just put the last of the coolant in the ice keeper."

He shares his theory, "I've only put in twenty-five letters, since they were here. When I get twenty or so more in, we'll see them."

Farsarah shakes her head, "Everything about them is odd."

He laughs, "They are knights of the city, we've more in common with that old bull."

She laughs, "Could you imagine us in the castle city? Buying food from street vendors? I could get me a fancy dress and get you a pair of not-work boots."

Erray puts his arm around her, steering her to the house as they share a hearty laugh.

He lets her go at the steps first, their laughter stops for the sound of horses coming in the gate. They watch Lauriah ride his horse and tow a massive Clydesdale to the trough. He gets down and ties them to it. He puts gold into the drop, then hurries to the well.

Erray rushes over, "How much did you drop?"

Lauriah downs his first cup and refills at the valve. He sounds thirsty, "Not sure. A handful. We're parched. Got chased in the last ten miles. Seems the Were thought we were easy pickings. Glad that mare can run."

Erray watches him have a second cup. "Why are you alone?"

Lauriah laughs and refills, "Barade will be thrilled to know you missed him."

"That's not what I meant."

Lauriah puts the empty cup in the used box, "It's my day off. We got you a horse, but Barade couldn't get time off to bring her with me. Stew hot?"

Erray goes with him as he heads for the house, "You know it is. What do you mean, you got me a horse?"

Farsarah meets them at the steps with a steaming bowl and a steaming cup, "You look like you could use this."

He accepts the cup and gives her a handful of gold, before he takes the bowl, "Thanks."

He turns to sit on the steps as she fusses, "This is too much."

Lauriah sips the coffee, "Have it as a dowry than." He sets the cup between his feet to get a free hand to eat.

Erray shakes his head in disbelief as his mother laughs, "You silly knight, I'm a farm girl."

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