Chapter 9, Academically

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Erray feels very parched as Parmaria looks him in the eyes, "I can tell you don't want to tell me."

She inhales deeply through her nose, "It's alright, Erray.
"Herpaul and I have known he was in love with you a long time now. Your letters are precious treasures to him. He sits up at night with them and falls asleep at his desk.

"I annoy him chattering away, but I just can't seem to stop whatever I do. He needs me for morale.

"Herpaul annoys him being sloppy and chronically late, but he is a genius of planning. I think his brain is stuck at high speed. He can't talk enough to say all his thoughts, so he gives up and doesn't talk at all. Mostly, no one understands the things he says.

"We want you to make Urshawn happy. We need you to love him better than we know how to."

Erray worries as he admits, "I have no clue how to. He's the first someone I've wanted that's wanted me back. Kissing him changed everything about my life... like instantly.

"I've no clue what I'm doing, where I am or what's next. Best I can do is trudge on into this unknown.

"I think I'm doing alright. It's a little warm, but the mood lighting is perfect and the most beautiful woman that ever was is telling me her troubles.

"I'm questing for a duel that sounds like I have a fair chance.

"At some point, I'll find a place to get a long sleep, then I can worry on finding troubles of my own."

Parmaria waits for him to stop, then looks to Night Wind happily watching them.

When she looks back to Erray, she is smiling beautifully in her makeup and ash. She pokes his shirt then smudges ash on his cheek from it, "You are silly. I like you. You need to relax some, but there's time. You should kiss me for luck if it's a quest."

Erray feels heat in his cheeks, "You're really gonna start picking on me?"

She shakes her head a little, "It's a tradition. I kiss knights for luck when they go on quests. It a duty of the Lady of Were. You don't have to, but it's considered bad luck if you don't."

Erray is sure the snort from Night Wind is her laughing at him.

He worries for a moment, then leans to give her a peck on the cheek, but she grabs his face with one hand. She pulls his lips to hers and really kisses him.

He's sure his face must be full red and hopes she'll think it's from the hot air. "Is that how you kiss quest bound knights?"

Parmaria softly smiles as she slowly shrugs her shoulders to her ears, "I made it up." She drops her shoulders, "Don't be mad. I figured you wouldn't risk kissing me."

He wants to laugh, but he's too shocked. He turns to Night Wind, "Please, lead on."

Parmaria retakes his hand as he follows the dog. She goes for a long time, then stops on a bridge.

When Erray comes to her, the gust puts out the candle. He sees a lot of light ahead so he gives the candle holder to Parmaria and whispers, "Wait just the other side of this bridge."

She nods and they cross.

He leaves them there and creeps to the light. He sees into another room with bolted wood door, this one is not empty.

It's very full. There is a bed pillow in a corner, by a box of clothes... Large water vessels, baskets of food, a closable chamber pot, crates of bottles, boxes of parchment, a chemistry set up, a crosslegged fire pot burning bright, wooden stools, large boxes stacked and used as tables... strangest of all is what the crowned man is working on... It is a box with crank, the side is off showing gears and things. He seems to be trying to attach a large brass horn to it.

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