Chapter 33, Braids

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Lamica reviews the elegant hand of script quickly. "More wordy than I'd like, less formal than you'd like and more poetic than ya'd think a rat could conjure."

Belle sits up as she fusses, "Read it to us, already."

Lamica reads it held before Erray, with his arm around the Sage...

Let it be known and felt, that on this day of Sage warfare, the three hairs were formed.
Braided in love and loyalty to the Grand Mother and noosed by her apron strings.

Lorady Urshawn
of the Were Province
Lorady Lamica
of the Were
align by oath, bed and heart song
to union of will, force and deed
in loving devotion
to the breath of the Sage,
Erray the Mystic Wizard.

In wisdom's heed
they slide noose about their Masterhood
hang them from
the Grand Mother Farsarah
the common witch of countryside's Apron
to braid
reason, passion and victory.

Belle the Seer of greatest renown
Dirk the last of the great Fairy Kings
stand as bound witness.

The Lady Parmaria
stands as Light Bringer,
without her dark shadow.

The Grand Influencer
Lauriah The Charger
stands as enforcer and seeder.

Lamica lets the parchment roll, "It's no more than a script?"

Urshawn debates, "No Master's Script, but the style, yes."

Erray sounds happy pride, "Not bad for a beginner."

Lauriah fusses, "I completely object to the last line."

Belle fusses from sat up in the bassinet, by the wall to side and behind him, "You just don't like that you have a grand tittle.

"You have no issues holding them to their word and you're very happy to seed another child as token bearer if this one doesn't take it.

"So shut up and let the grown-ups talk.

"What cha think, Urshawn?

"By Fairy and Seer seems even more risking than letting him become a wizard in a death roll."

Urshawn fusses, "I didn't let him do it. We tried to stop him."

Lamica wonders, "What's the risks? For now and before."

Urshawn is in other thoughts as he tells, "Before, he had to have a hold on his mortal core to not end up shifting straight to Master as he raped the infinite."

Erray whines as he fusses, "Why'd ya have to say it so crudely?"

Farsarah states, "Efficiency. It's a tangent.

"Belle, what's the risk of Seer and Fairy?"

Belle looks very worried, but sounds no concern, "We bring ancient mystic ways and always more than we mean to.

"They bring Fairy Dust in every deed and always leave something out."

Urshawn seems to talk more to himself, "She will cause waves of comic serenity and he will lay a pitfall.

"Fairy Dust is potent stuff, but like weed and beer for a Seer. They bake out a lot of random and more variables than I can count in my head."

Parmaria over-expresses her point, "That's a lot."

Belle worries, "It's the nooses that seem scary. Why put your souls in? Lives should be enough."

Erray shakes his head, "Belle, it wouldn't. Life is only blood to the Were.

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