Chapter 6, Old Chap

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Erray laughs alone as Barade gives him a patient stare.

Erray stops his laugh, "Did I say something wrong?"

Barade shakes his head a little, "Not wrong, just not accurate. Matrimony is a practice of the last Age, that I find to be a scummy residue on Aden. Handfasting is not much better, but at least it holds respect for the passage of time. Humans have developed a need to leash their lovers, I hope in this Age they can grow out of it.

"I choice to bond with you. Bonds must be tended to withstand. Leashing you would only cause me to get lazy in thinking I will always have you. Forever is a lot of time. Time I hope to share with you.

"What image of man or beast would I be, if I demanded in one moment you give me your forever?

"No, Erray. I make no such demand. I vow to win your forever in word and deed every bit of the way. I take no credit for one emotionally charged day. I'm in this fight for your forever with every breath debt free."

Erray leans to press his lips to Barade's face, "You're like the god of poetry."

Barade turns his lips to Erray's for lustful kiss.

When Erray's hands come to play in Barade's hair, he takes his trench coat off and unbuckles his sword belt. Erray helps him remove his knife harness and drop it to his trench coat, without parting their lips.

Barade's hands come for Erray's shirt and the barn doors explode in. They scramble to their feet to gawk at the angry bull. Smoke comes from his nose and he pats the ground hard.

Erray worries, "What's he doing?"

Barade fusses, "You tell me, he's your bull."

"You can order beast, tell him to go."

Barade gives a breathy laugh, "With the way he's looking at me, I doubt he will listen. He's pissed off."

"What do we do?"

Barade fusses, "I'm not going to fight an armoured bull. Try using your crown, see if you can learn what he wants."

Erray worries, "I'll try. I'm not good under pressure. I'm an academic."

"Just try, before he decides to charge."

Erray takes calming breaths and tries blanking his mind, but nothing happens. "Any advice on how to turn it on?"

Barade sounds more of shrug than he does of it, "Thought powers it."

Erray flares his eyes, then gets an idea. He thinks of the Wind and talks to the bull, "What's got into you, Old Chap?"

The bull snorts and Erray reads his vibes and tells, "It's working. He's jealous mad. He was my boyfriend before the purple fog.

"Those who just missed being ready to be Loradies, became waves of influence. He's the father of Armoured Bulls. That's way his cows only give birth to bulls."

He laughs and looks to Barade, "He wants to beat your ass for being with me, but he's too loyal to you to do more than cock block."

Barade bounces with silent laughter for a moment, then rushes Erray with quick kiss. Then the Lorady rushes the angry bull and hugs to his side, "Nicely played, Old Chap. You did it."

The bull bumps him gently with his tusks and blows air. Erray reads the vibration, "He says, he wasn't meaning to help. He's mad, but glad you're not mad at him."

Barade laughs, "I can see it all myself."

He lets go and tells the bull, "I will respect your feelings and refrain in your house. But, Old Chap, I'm taking him. Do you want to come along? I'll get you a whole herd of cows."

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