Chapter 21, Castle Stew

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As they come from the stairs, Lamica asks, "Ever been to a chick rave?"

Erray laughs as he admits, "No and I'm nearly sure my mother hasn't either. Have you?"

Lamica informs him, "Not attended, but been to bust a few up and on an investigation in the remains of one."

They find one knight outside her door, squatted sitting on his heel. He stands as they near.

Lamica greets him, "Evening, Urjohn. How's the party?"

Urjohn shrugs, "Quietest one she's ever had. No men allowed, ya know."

Lamica nods, "We've come to end the party. The Lady is overdue and the Grand Mother is due some hard battle tell."

The knight nods to him, "How bad did Lauriah get it?"

Lamica tells, "Too bad for my mother's services. My father has go to tend him."

The knight shakes his head, "Damn, 'bout the only thing Mamabear can't fix is loss of parts."

Erray questions with worry, "Mamabear is your mother?"

Lamica smirks, "Sorry, was too focused on you to mention that."

Erray fusses his amusement, "No wonder your so hot... your parents are divine. Guess you don't share much with your siblings. Met half of them... nice looking, but a good brother would share the sexy glory a little."

Lamica cheeks pink as Urjohn laughs rudely, "Guess he's not met Parjimmy yet."

Erray asks, "What's left? Is he a chef?"

Lamica frowns as Urjohn tells Erray, "He runs a fancy restaurant on the south side, don't think he cooks."

Lamica fusses to the closed door, "He is all of my family that my mother and I do not support. We do have royalty to disturb."

Erray puts his hand gently on Lamica's back, "You're right, let's go get 'em."

Lamica opens the door and Erray follows him in.

The lounge has fabric and girly things everywhere.
A buff, black haired, brown skin man in white bathhouse shorts only, is stretched out on a couch over and under fabric.
He sleeps contently, with a little blond woman sleeping on his chest.
There is also two brown haired women sharing another couch.

Erray whisper fusses, "It's a sleepover."

Lamica shakes his head and goes for the open door to the sitting room.

Erray follows him in, they find another woman, with familar red hair, sleeping on the couch there, but Parmaria and Farsarah sit at the table with four other woman.
Ash trays are about papers of many types on the table, with pens.
The cloud of weed smell is wafting out the cracked balcony doors.
All the woman are in white, skimpy dresses and stoned.

Parmaria giggles, "Look Farsarah, Erray and his dancing rooster are here. Make them dance for us."

The woman all giggle.

Lamica snickers, "My Lady? Pot?"

Parmaria giggles, "I love it. Why'd you never share it with me?"

Lamica shrugs, "Cause you're a lady."

Farsarah happily fusses, "Girls gotta have fun too, ya know? Hi, my wayward son."

Erray tries to recall why he's here, faced with so much soft skin, "You never smoke pot with me?"

Farsarah leads a round of giggles. "Somethings even country girls know it's not proper to do with men. Why you come waltzing into our girl time?"

Lamica states, "The Lady missed dinner, we..."

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