Chapter 46, The Staff

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Lunch is stew in a pie, everyone collect a pie from the kitchen and finds a place to sit and eat.

Erray is contently enjoying his new favorite food sitting by the fire in a store room, when Lamica finds him.

He sits beside him on the cave floor, "Is hide and seek your favorite game?"

Erray clears his bite, "No, but it's a good one. Wasn't hiding, was thinking."

Lamica's worry sounds softly, "Are you worried about the second half?"

Erray sets his half eaten pie down, "Not as much as you are. What's bothering you?"

Lamica puts his untouched pie beside Erray's, "Farsarah has to make a ruling on Shadow's recommendation to kill you."

Erray takes his hand, "That's nothing to worry about. Neither of them want to kill me and are not rastional enough to.

"Babe, it's going to happen. I needs to happen, but it's just a change, I have to go through.

"My body is mortal, my soul isn't. Even a hard kill won't reset me.

"We'll have body to bury, but I'll be there to help bury it. I fully intend to dig my own grave.

"I need this body still.
"It's not about power reaping for me. I have a few things I can't really learn reading in the infinite.

"Experience I need to gather by hand.

"Then if no one has, I'll kill myself.

"I can't spend the whole Age in manhood... there's no way meat can burn in dragon fire for a that long."

Lamica turns his head, "I know, but I also know... I have urges with automatic functions, too.

"I can't not act if you're threatened.

Erray reaches and turns his face back, "You can't turn on anyone here. Regaurdless of your worrying.

"Besides, even Urshawn will have that exact worry. Don't think anyone here has the courage to tell you they want to kill me."

Lamica smiles softly, "Don't stroke my ego."

Erray tugs on his hair, "Been itching to ever since you sent Fartony down the vent hole for me."

Lamica leans closer, "Why else would I?

"I'm still surprised I got away with punching a general. I expected Lauriah to send me to detention."

Erray draws him closer, "You still might, but I'll be waiting when they let you out."

Lamica gets his lips on Erray's, they've only a moment to indulge and they hear Fartommy, "Yes, that one. He went in there."

Lamica sits back flat on his butt and they look to the nervous young man wandering in.

"Sage? Are you in here?"

Erray picks up his pie, "Over here, by the fireplace."

Taben turns back, "Oh, is now a bad time?"

Erray shakes his head, "Depends on what you want?"

Taben shurgs his shoulders quickly, "I want to go back to work, but they're not gonna let me, I'm sure.

"Grand Mother wanted me to find out if you wanted extra time or just when she's ready?"

Erray collects a bite as he informs him, "When she's ready is fine, but would you ask her if she'd announce all wind hopefuls should assemble for review when her meeting is over?"

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