Chapter 29, Were Quest

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Farsarah fusses, "Action, Erray."

He blinks hard, then cradles Belle as he slides from the table.

He moves to the open space and turns to them, "We quest without riddle guide. I must pull the rest of you from this comic ublette.

"No order of value here, alright. No later questioning of firsts and lasts. I have to take you out by cosmic weight, or I will not have the strength to get you all."

Farsarah angrily fusses, "Stop worrying about our feelings. Lives are at stake."

Erray nods to her, "Right. Urshawn, go assemble your army for public declaration."

He starts to question and Farsarah pulls him by the shirt to his feet, "Don't hold up the ladder. Go."

Urshawn rushes out the door, leaving it open as he runs to comply.

Farsarah warns, "We mustn't resist when he pulls us out."

Erray struggles to hide his body's tremble, but knows Belle can feel it.

"Lamica, fetch your parents, Erterri and Night Wind to wherever Urshawn stands for public declaration, by all means."

Lamica runs out the door, one breath after Erray stops.

Erray loses his balance, but steps once to stay on his feet, "Farsarah, gather to Parmaria your partners. As unit, collect Lord Herpaul and two knights of the Lady's trust. Meet up with us for public declaration."

Farsarah nods once, then rushes out.

Erray gives a heavy breath and looks to the ceiling.

Belle gently shares, "It can't be done. There is no comic ladder that can bare the cosmic weight of such a prodigal son.

"Erray, you can't save him, he's just not viable. Even if you could, he will be feared by all Masters every step of his way to maturity.

"If he survives to Masterhood, they will fear him mastering them. Too much power to one being.

"It's not your fault."

Erray's smile laughs onto his face, "But the responsibility is always mine."

He reaches out with one arm for Lauriah, "Take my hand."

Lauriah steps strongly to him and clasps his hand.

Erray gently pulls him close, "Put her head on your elbow. Cradle her with your forearms."

He gently passes her to the tear flowing knight.

"Your orders are, hold the baby."

Belle's eyes loose tears as Lauriah cuddles her properly and her mind fusses pridefully, "Cheater. Making him crawl out on his own."

Lauriah kisses at her damaged face, "Whatever it takes, Belle, this must be righted."

Belle weeps in body, but fusses pridefully in their minds, "I'll get even with you, Erray."

Erray gladly tells her, "You are most welcome to, as soon as we get you right."

Erray moves for the door, "Bring her gently."

Lauriah walks as easy as he can, out of his apartment and waits.

Erray comes out closing the door, "We must journey to our rendezvous, gently and being seen as much as reasonable.

"We do not hide our wounded friend, but don't lengthen the road for spectators.

"We have to leave as much of her pride intact as possible."

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