Chapter 14 , The Lord

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Erray feels tired and sore as he places his order in the much simpler and larger bathhouse.

He spends a little extra time enjoying the hot water in the rinse shower.

He's just touched the towel when there is a knock on the bath stale door. "Sorry, to disturb you, Sire. I have your tailored clothes for you."

Erray wraps the towel around himself at the waist, "Come in."

The door opens and the attendant he had the first time comes in with his arms full.

Erray helps him close the door, noticing he's not in uniform, but evening attire.

"Sorry it took so long. I was just leaving for the day, when we got the message. I was going this way anyway so it made sense for me to being them."

Erray watches him lay them out on the dressing table, "It's alright. I didn't even dry off yet. I'm sorry too, I forgot your name."

He turns to Erray and maintains eye contact, "Ercody. It's nothing to apologize for."

Erray moves for his clothes, "Neither is sparing me a round trip to get clothes."

Ercody lingers a moment then hurries to the door, "I'm not supposed to be in here."

Erray laughs, "I won't tell. You're good company."

Ercody tells the door, "Please, don't say stuff like that. You already make me think I've no business being a bath attendant as you make me question sexual absolutism."

Erray dries with his towel, "That has to be the oddest compliment I've ever gotten. I'd be remissed as a teacher if I didn't tell you all absolutes are bad for you."

Ercody keeps his attention on the door, "I've never been a wind listener, but I'm getting curious."

Erray dresses in the tailored evening clothes, "That's good. Expanding your mind will .. do... you good."

Ercody glances to him fussing with his pants, "What's wrong?"

Erray admits, "These are tight and I've no guess how to close them up."

Ercody informs him, "It's magnetic close. They are supposed to fit tight. You did ask for an outfit for an evening out, right?"

Erray tries to close the front of his pants, twice without success, "I didn't send the message. Lord Herpaul handled it for me. Can you show me how to do this?"

Ercody turns back to the door, "I should get you an attendant."

Erray fusses, "You are my preferred attendant."

Ercody offers, "You have to line it up from the bottom up."

Erray gets it, "There. Now relax. I'm not ashamed of nudity. You are being silly."

Ercody admits to the door, "You've nothing to be ashamed of. Makes me want to runaway, but my feet won't go."

Erray pulls the fancy green silk shirt over his shoulders, "Again with the odd compliments. Just say what you're thinking."

Ercody gives a nervous laugh, "I'm thinking I've already said too much and it's going to get me fired."

Erray laughs as he comes up a button short again, "I already said I wouldn't tell. You hardly said anything, but I think I'm getting the idea. Seems I don't have to feel odd if I ever want to try having a wash attendant."

Ercody laughs in his nose, "Geez, I'd have to quit if you did."

Erray sits to put his socks on, "Isn't that the point of it? It's sexual?"

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