Chapter 7, Were City

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The sunrise begins, but goes unnoticed for the lover's duel. It's the stomp of Farsarah's foot on the porch that ends it. "You've a room and a barn. And you've a castle. Not on my porch. Coffee is ready." She goes back in the house.

Erray presses his laugh to Barade's neck to keep it quiet.

Barade keeps his in his chest. "We'll call it a draw."

Lauriah is to them before they settle their amusement, "Did she say coffee?"

They've each a cup and Farsarah has sat Lauriah at the table with a plate of bread and a bowl of stew, when the war party comes into the yard.

Barade sets his cup on the table, "What do you need to pack up?"

She shakes her head, "Time."

Erray questions, "What of the homestead? Old Chap won't leave the pigs, but we've chickens, too? Plants in the garden and I've a half barn of peanuts, a week from harvest?"

Barade wonders, "Why peanuts anyway?"

Farsarah gets up, "We've one left, Erray." She hurries down to the basement and comes right back with a glass jar.

Erray takes one of Lauriah's loaves. "Hey, man, not nice."

Farsarah gets a knife and gives it to Erray with the jar, "Don't fuss. You'll love this more than my bread."

Erray cuts the loaf long ways and spreads the cream on both. He gives one to each knight, "Try it."

They each take a cautious bite and chew. Their smiles form as they attempt to master the texture.

Lauriah sips his coffee, "Sticky. I like it alright, but this bread is still my favorite food. Where'd you learn that?"

Erray tells, "In the wind, didn't think I put everything in letters, did you? Don't you like it, love?"

Barade licks his lips and gets his coffee back for a long drink. "Best peanut butter I've ever had. It was supposed to be a lost art. I'm grateful for the sample, but I have to burn your crop. I'm sorry."

He sets the buttered bread on the table as Farsarah fusses, "Why? What harm is..."

They catch their breath as Barade's hair braids itself in many small braids. He steadied himself with the back of a chair, but his knees are weak so he turns it out to sit.

Erray rushes to him, "What's wrong?"

Barade holds his hand up, "Please, don't touch me. I'll lose control. I didn't think it was enough to effect me."

Lauriah questions, "What's happening to you?"

Barade drinks more coffee, then reports, "Loradies can not indulge in peanut butter. Something in the process makes it a dangerous indulgence. I was foolish to even sample it."

Erray worries, "What's it doing to you? Is it poison?"

Barade looks to him and softly tells him, "No, more than strawberries and red wine at sunset with the one you love."

Lauriah laughs on the back of his hand.

Farsarah fusses at him, "Stop, he's not okay."

Barade stares hard up into Erray's eyes.

Erray sees with the crown, "It's far more than a mood enhancer. You're cut off. Defenceless. It's passing. I'll fix this." He grabs the buttered bread and jar with knife stuck in, "Stay with him, Lauriah. "

Erray runs out as his mother asks, "What can you do?"

Erray steps into his boots on the porch before he runs to his barn. He opens the outer pens and feeds the first fat pig all the peanut butter.

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