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my eyes started to open and I realized I'm not at the ball anymore I'm in a very dark room

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my eyes started to open and I realized I'm not at the ball anymore I'm in a very dark room. Memories of what happened came crashing into my brain and it hurt like hell. My head was throbbing in pain. "I see you awake" a voice spoke as the lights turned on. In seconds my eyes met with a very familiar face. The guy at the bar that night a month ago. He was sitting on the chair but soon after he got up.

"What do you want with me and where the hell am I," I asked him and he chuckled. "Well Princess welcome to France," he said while walking over to the window and opening it revealing the view. He then turned around and stood there looking at me. "Me, my father, and all of France want to see the Valentinos fall to the ground". He said with a smirk making me feel disgusted it's not the same when Leo does it. "What does that have to do with me though," I asked him and he laughed again.

"You are the most important person to him right now since killing his father didn't work we had to wait for the right moment," he said. "Well, Leo cheated on me so I guess I'm not that important". Tears started to form in my eyes I'm not much of a crier I don't know why I'm crying over this man. He was now in front of me kneeling. "Aw princess that was just an act to get you by yourself and boy did it work," he said with a smirk. "Don't call me that" I whispered. So if I wasn't being such a baby I would still be with Leo right now.

"He's going to find me," I said while glaring at him. He then got up "you have been out for a week Amara and he still hasn't found you yet I don't think he's coming," he said with a chuckle. A week... I've been out for a fucking week!? How could this happen to me."I'm going to get you some clean clothes and some food, we wouldn't want that dress to get even dirtier" he said while he walked out of the room. I looked down forgetting that I was still in this dress. When I tried to get up I noticed I was chained to the wall. This is great just great Im kidnapped in France by this mafia. I knew this marriage with Leo would cause trouble yet I fell for him. I hope he's going to come to find me. My makeup is probably all over my face.

After about god knows how long this guy finally came back. I do remember his name being Sam but I remember Leo telling me that's not his name. "Sorry this took a while princess had to steal my sister's clothes and our chefs were not doing their job properly". I rolled my eyes as he walked towards me, he placed the food in front of me." if I'm just a pawn to get to Leo why are you being so nice " I asked him and he smirked

"Well Amara ever since I saw you at the bar that day I couldn't wait until we were in this moment together," he said with a smile while leaning onto the table. The look on my face right now was pure disgust. "Is sam your real name?" I asked him and he laughed. "No it's not my real name is Louis now eat your food". He said while looking down at my food. "I'm not eating this nasty shit," I said with a groan. "You have to eat before my father gets here who knows what he would do to you," he said with a smile. That damn smile creeps the hell out of me.

I rolled my eyes "Can you take off these chains so I can at least change out of this stupid dress". This man was beyond annoying. "I don't know how Leo deals with you princess," he said while getting something out of his pocket which I'm guessing is key. Then he walked towards me and bent down to unlock the chains breaking me free.

When he was done he backed away while I got up and just stood there "Are you just going to sit there and watch me?" I asked him and he smirked. "Well, I can't leave because you would try to escape". How would I even escape this dirty ass room? "well at least turn the fuck around" I said coming out ruder than attended but I slayed. He signed and turned around to face the door.

I started taking off my dress and I don't even know where the hell my heels were. Romana spent a lot of money on that stylist for nothing. The clothes were so basic a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. After I was done putting on my clothes he turned around. "Now eat your food Amara," he said, my name coming out of his mouth is even as worse than the word Princess.

"Like I said I'm not eating this dog shit," I said proudly and suddenly he grabbed me by my wrist put them above my head, and slammed me against the wall. Shit that hurt if I were in different circumstances and with Leo I would like this.

"I have been nothing but nice to you Amara, do not take it for granted stop being a little bitch and eat your goddamn food" he yelled and spat in my face. "You can't possibly think I'm going to be nice back when you kidnapped me you asshole" I yelled back, suddenly I felt a sharp pain across my face and noticed he slapped me. "You wanna be treated like a bitch huh? Then ill treat you like a fucking little bitch" He let go of me and I held my hand to my face groaning in pain.

"When I get back this food better be gone or else" is the last thing he said before walking to the door and exiting. Tears started to form in my eyes and I slid down the wall. People say I act like a bitch but in reality, I'm weak that shit really does hurt me. In my mind is just filling up with questions. Is Leo trying to find me? Am I going to be stuck here forever? I groaned one last time before picking up the fork and eating this disgusting food.

How do yoy guys like soft Amara? she is usually badass but there is a side of her nobody really sees.

Sorry this chapter took so long ive just been super lazy

Next chapter is going to be Leos Pov so we will see what happens is he going to fly to France for her?

Im signing a petition for Leo to kill louis😊



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