Stuck With Him

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(Amaras pov)

I was at Kelly's house for 2 days because she left me at the club for some guy. Which I think is Matteo because she was describing Matteos looks. Also, Matteo said he met somebody the night of the club but that's not my business. I also didn't feel like going home because I didn't want to see Leo but he found me anyway.

When Leo hung up the phone the car was silent and he looked like he was mad his hands gripped tightly to the starting wheel. "You good?" I turned to look at him. He didn't respond. "Oh so you're ignoring me now," I said while rolling my eyes. "What do you know about Antonio," he said calmly. Why the fuck does he want to know about him, to be honest, I forgot about him.

"Why do you want to know about him," I asked confused if he was still mad that he was my sex buddy he has to get over that shit. "Just answer the question, Amara," he said. " I know his family left him and he was on his own since 16 we met in high school before I dropped out". I said while looking out the window.

He hummed in response. We then pulled into his house gate. I thought he was taking me home.
"Why am I back here," I said and turned to look at him. "Because I have to keep you safe, your going to be staying here for a few days," he said as we pulled up to his house.

If he thinks he can just boss me around and make decisions for me he's wrong. "Uhm no I'm not staying here I didn't consent I'm especially not staying here with you," I said with an eye roll. "just until I know your safe Amara please stop arguing I need to figure some shit out," he said as he got out of the car then came around to my side to open the door. "I'm not staying here," I said as I got out of the car and crossed my arms. He glared at me "Don't make me put you over my shoulders Amore " he said with a smirk, that stupid smirk.

"You wouldn't dare," I said while glaring back at him. He gave me a "You wanna bet" look then came closer to me picked me up and put me over his shoulders. He grabbed my bag from the car. Then we walked inside "Leo I swear to god put me the fuck down". He ignored me and walked me up the stairs then took me to this room I can't see since I'm facing the door. Leo then put me down. "I hate you" I huffed out.

He just chuckled I then looked around the room and saw Matteo, Anglo, and some other dude I don't know sitting there. They all had shocked expressions on their face. Leo whispered to me "Go take a seat we have to discuss some things" he said. I went to sit down in the only empty seat. Leo went to sit down in his seat behind his desk then he cleared his throat.

"So Amara will be staying here for a little bit until we know she's safe," he said. I know people are like hunting me down to kidnap me or something like that but I seriously don't want to stay here with him. He makes me feel things that I don't want to feel.

"Did you tell her who sent the message" the guy I don't know asked? Leo shook his head no. Then he turned to look at me. "Amara Antonio is working with our rival mafia the French Mafia." How could Antonio work for the Mafia he has no balls for that. "Wait Amara knows this Antonio guy," Matteo asked. I shook my head.

"We had a few encounters yes" I couldn't say that I and he had sex. "How do we know she's not working with him she knows him" the dude I don't know said. Leo then spoke up " Marco I have met this Antonio guy he doesn't look like the type of person who would be in the French Mafia. He got scared that I held him at gunpoint". He said while leaning in the back of his chair.

I decided to speak up I might know nothing about this Mafia bullshit but I may have an idea of what's going on. "Antonio came to my house that night to be with me. He and the French Mafia probably made a deal or some shit at some point after. Damn, I sounded smart.

Leo looked at me surprised shit they all do. "What, did I say something wrong?" I laughed. "Amore that could be what happened," Leo said with a smile. See when Leo is not trying to kill someone because of me and whoever I might be with being a little too close. Or
him being a total asshole. I may not have a problem with him.

"Marco, Angelo, and Matteo your job is to find as much information about the French Mafia and Antonio as you can and find out what they're up to." All of them nodded and got up then walked out of the room.

Leo then got up and walked over to where I was sitting. "Do you need any clothes or any necessary items?" he asked while leaning on his desk. "How long will be staying here exactly," I said while raising a brow. "Like I said me and my men need to figure some stuff out you may leave when I know you're safe." Why does he even care if I'm safe?

"I have my stuff in my bag from Kelly's house so I'm fine but also where will I be staying?" I asked. "I mean you have already been in my room you could just sleep in there plus I need to keep an eye on you," he said with a smirk. Oh hell no

I stood up so that I'm standing right in front of him. "It's bad enough I'm staying here with you I don't need a babysitter as well," I said while glaring at him. He chuckled then grabbed my waist and flipped us over so I'm the one leaning on the desk.

"How many times do I have to say that the attitude needs to stop Tesoro you don't want me to fuck you over this desk like I tried to last time correct?" he said with a smirk. He then moved his hand to my throat "Or would you like that" he asked. I gulped in response. He makes me fucking speechless and I can't help it. It also doesn't help that I'm horny as fuck.

I should teach him his lesson. I brought his face closer to mine and then whispered "Would you like that Leo? Would you like to fuck me over this desk? and have me submit it to you? Hm." I said with a smirk. I then pulled him away and he looked at me shocked.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked with a chuckle. His eyes went dark and full of lust. "That was so fucking sexy," he said in his deep ass voice. Shit, my panties are drenched but I can't let him have his way.

"Too bad you can't have me," I said with a smile pushing him off me and leaving the room like I owned the place.

I knew I had to get my shit together. He's gonna be in my life now whether I like it or not.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thank you for reading I really appreciate it

Question: do you think Amara and Leo are good together?


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