Leonardo Valentino is his name

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(Amaras pov)
He had his eyebrows raised "who's Antonio" he asked while looking straight at me." that's none of your concern " why does he even wanna know who Antonio is? "It is my concern since your going to be my wife in 8 months," he said and smirked I stood there in shock. I didn't even notice he pushed past and walked inside my house. "excuse you, you cant just enter my house unannounced and how do you even know where I live". I stood there with my eyebrows raised waiting for an answer." I know everything, Tesoro". (Darling)
"First don't call me that and don't you think that's a bit creepy". He walked to my couch and took a seat "Leonardo Valentino". Huh, what did he just say "?" I looked into his chocolate brown eyes "My name, is Leo for Short". Wow, a hot name for a hot man "Uhm okay" I said, "but I do have a question". He got up and walked closer to me "which is it?". I gulped when he grabbed my waist once again." Out of all people why did you sign to marry me". He grabbed my chin to make me look straight into his eyes making me feel butterflies in my stomach. Damn, can this man get any hotter? "Well because I heard a lot about you you are brave, Smart, and beautiful. you have a small attitude that we need to fix," he said with a smirk.
"When I was in town about a month ago. I stumbled across your father we went over some deals since his business wasn't going well. I remembered he had a daughter bc I saw you a few times in the city and I couldn't take my eyes off you. Then it happened the contract was signed. I have no idea why he didn't tell you before today but that was all him".Wow so he's the one that picked me. "Well, the" I didn't know what to say "now back to the Antonio person who is he?" Seriously back to that idiot "nobody".as I managed to get out of his grip and headed to the kitchen. "Well you had sex with him". Oh shit I forgot I said that. I'll say the truth he wouldn't care."Many times I told him it was just for sex and he just told me he had feelings for me today right before you got here" his jaw clenched when I said Antonio admitted he had feelings for me. "Well do you have feelings for him?" He said. "No, but even if I did why would you care," I said while crossing my arms. His eyes turned lustful. As he walked over to me quickly and grabbed me by the waist leaning down to my height and looking straight into my eyes. "Because of your mine Tesoro. If I find out any man touches you I will kill them myself." I gulped in response. "I would like to take you out to dinner tonight Amara I'll pick you up at 8 tonight," he said while letting go of my waist. "don't you have to ask me," I said while crossing my arms. "One thing you need to know about me Amara is that I don't ask".
I rolled my eyes in response and he just turned around and headed for the door and left. What the hell was that and now I have a date Tonight? Oh my fucking god could my life get any fucking worse.

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