it's just sex nothing else

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(Amaras pov)
I Left the elevator after that "talk" or whatever you wanna call it. I'm going to get married what the fuck why hasn't my dad told me about this before why now. oh my God, I just need to forget about this and get my mind off things for a while. I have a perfect idea I'll give Antonio a call.

"O-oh f-fuck" I was a moaning mess while Antonio ate me out. "fuck you taste so good Amara" he whispered against my clit. making me spread my legs even more. "Don't stop Antonio s-shit"
I said while throwing my head back on the pillow. "Don't worry baby I won't stop anytime soon". wait did he just say, baby? "Antonio stop" he didn't listen he continued licking my wet pussy "Shit".I moaned out "Antonio I swear to God stop". He finally listened lifting his head to meet my eyes ." Hm why did you have me stop". He had a frown on his. face "what did you just call me?"
I said while looking straight at him. "Amara?" He said with a straight face "no you didn't cut the crap". I said making a mad face at him. "Fine listen I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. But I like you Amara I like you. I know you say I'm just for sex but I know you feel the connection between us. We're Meant for each other. Amara what do you say would u be my girlfriend." I sat on the bed in shock I knew Antonio had some sort of feelings for me but I thought it was only the sex that made him feel that way. I made it clear the first day we had sex together. it was only sex nothing more. I feel bad for rejecting him but I don't like anyone like that I never have. "I'm sorry Antonino but this or whatever you wanna call it it's just for sex nothing more." I said I could tell he was hurt just by his eyes "oh alright I should get going then". He got up and walked out of the room some part of me feels bad for him. But the other part of me is bummed because now I probably won't have sex with his anyone. he was great at sex. But I guess that's all over now thanks to him saying he has feelings for me. Right when we were about to have sex but it's whatever. I got up and went to the bathroom I took a quick shower and then wrapped a towel around me. When I was finished I went to my closet and decided to put on a cropped top that showed my cleavage well and a grey skirt that hugged my waist pretty well and it went to my knees.

(this is what I picture her wearing if you don't like it imagine something else)

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(this is what I picture her wearing if you don't like it imagine something else)

I then grabbed my phone seeing 5 calls and 20 messages from my father saying "we need to talk". How does he expect me to talk to him? Right after he told me I have to marry some Mafia boss to help his business. I understand the business hasn't been going that well. Since mother died. She always had a way with the people she made deals with. But that doesn't make it right to sign a contract without telling me and without my consent Mary someone. I don't even know his name for crying out loud. I suddenly heard a loud knock at my front door pulling me from my thoughts. It's most likely Antonio. I walked downstairs to the door and opened it a little bit "Antonio I already said it was just sex nothing else". Thinking that it would be Antonio. Without getting an answer I opened the door seeing my apparent fiance now.

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